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Monday, January 11, 2016

Over 100,000 Muslim Foreign Students at U.S. Universities, Not Vetted

Over the fifteen year period since the terrorist attacks of 2001, the number of foreign students enrolled in American colleges and universities increased 72 percent.

During this same period, the number of students from Saudi Arabia grew by 1,000 percent and the number from the 19 nations of the Middle East and North Africa more than tripled.

Should we be concerned about the rapidly expanding Muslim foreign student population at our universities? Should we assume that since Saudi Arabia is an ally in the region, its students will be immune to jihadist recruitment? Have we forgotten that a majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, not Syrians, Sudanese, or Egyptians?

It’s true that among the top ten nations sending foreign students to the U.S., Saudi Arabia ranks only fourth behind China, India and South Korea.


1 comment:

  1. They are buying their way. They give so much to the University for certain programs and possibly the total cost of programs that benefit them including bringing over Professors. The greedy colleges are eager to take the money.


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