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Saturday, January 09, 2016

O’Malley Risks Exclusion In Upcoming Democratic Debate

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is at risk of being excluded from the next Democratic presidential debate based on criteria released Friday by NBC News.

In order to qualify for the January 17 debate in Charleston, South Carolina, a candidate must reach an average of 5 percent either in recent national polls or in polls in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina, NBC said.

O’Malley has been polling at about 5 percent in Iowa, but is falling short of that in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and in national surveys. He has trailed Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders by wide margins in the campaign for the party’s nomination.



  1. He'll be there because it takes a minimum of 3 candidates to have a debate,unless at least an hour is knocked off.Only 2 candidates on stage is awkward.

  2. Looks like he didn't get the Town Manager job in Ocean City either.


  3. Being excluded couldn't happen to a more deserving person!

    Maybe OweMalley can get some TV time by going on Antiques Roadshow with his low-ball bid furniture.

  4. He is a placeholder filling in for an actual viable candidate, one step up from the empty chair Obama occupies.

  5. He might as well shut it down at this point. He's dead in the water.


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