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Friday, January 22, 2016

Oberlin President Tells Complaining Students To Take A Hike

Oberlin College’s president released a statement refusing to even consider a 14-page list of demands submitted by student activists, one of the most significant shows of defiance in the past few months to a wave of intense campus activism.

The list of demands at Oberlin, released in mid-December, is one of the most extreme seen at any college in the past two months. Among other things, the list demands the firing of several school employees, creation of segregated black-only safe spaces, a school stipend for protest leaders, and the creation of a bridge program to educate released convicts at the school. The list’s authors are anonymous, but several hundred students signed a Google Doc endorsing it.

Now, over a month later, Oberlin president Marvin Krislov has responded with a harsh tone. In his response, Krislov says the tone of the demands is utterly unacceptable, even if the document raises some valid concerns. As a result, he simply refused to directly engage with any of the list’s demands.

“Some of the challenges outlined in the document resonate with me and many members of our community, including our trustees,” Krislov says. “However, some of the solutions it proposes are deeply troubling. I will not respond directly to any document that explicitly rejects the notion of collaborative engagement. Many of its demands contravene principles of shared governance. And it contains personal attacks on a number of faculty and staff members who are dedicated and valued members of this community.”



  1. The bullying tactic and threats of dramatic responses never has worked. It didn't work for Columbia or Kent State in the Student Movement Era. Should be interesting to see how this story unfolds as it's assuredly not over.

  2. I wonder if another Kent State is possible? I might spell this wrong,but the Tianimin square episode in China was really drastic as well.

  3. 4:18PM, it seems anything is possible now days. Everyone is so offended just being offended. The students are just the latest demo to join in on the disenchantment line.

    1. Which usually merges with the welfare line. Big surprise, there....not!

  4. Tell the children to go to their room for a time out and see how that works. This is what we have created

  5. I am too often offended by those who say they are offended.

  6. Typical blacks starting trouble. Get free tuition. Get free housing. Get free meals. Yet they want more and more by threatening. Now do you know why blacks NEVER get ahead in life when any other ethnic group Excell.

  7. Oberlin is a DIII school so they can't hit the school in its pockets by refusing to dress for games. Good for the administration. The children/students can always transfer to school with "safe spaces."

    1. Not sure I understand this comment...dIII schools cannot give scholarship money...it is a really small school like 2900 students...the attendance at most of these games is small...you play at a DIII school for the love of the game...it won't hurt the school at all if they don't dress or play the only people that will impact is the player.

  8. If the hateful, racist blacks want "safe spaces" let them have it...as long as they they have to stay there.


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