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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Obama’s Rubble


  1. What lies the spider does weave...thank God most of us who has a brain and respects the truth knows, WE ARE BETTER OFF than when Obama took office...health care for millions, NO WARS, economy bouncing back, millions of jobs created, good laws on the books, gun control bill signed, etc., etc. I am very proud of our first Black president...the trials, slander, and just plain mean people against him, and yet he still can hold his head high, whether you like it or not...the conservative white so-called Republican Christians have done everything they can to bring Obama down, and I am so happy to know the truth and the truth is these so called Republican Christians will be judged by God for what is in their heart and everybody in America knows what has been in their heart and still is. All real Christians know what Jesus would do, and Obama has tried his very best to do just that...anybody who hates the color of one's skin, anybody who doesn't accept the fight for the poor and homeless, anybody who hates religions, anybody who hates peace, anybody who can't get along with their neighbor, anybody who loves their money, anybody who judges another IS NOT doing what Jesus would do and if you doubt what I have said, just look on this past year on what Congress didn't want and take a good hard look at those running for president in the Republican party...shameful, just shameful.

  2. This is demonstrative of Hillary's delusional stance on everything including thinking Americans trust her. She's abysmal and an affront to women and Democrats.

  3. 3:12PM

    Allow me to retort.

    Simply, the country is not better off than when Obama took office. Not by a long shot. And this is why.

    First, contrary to your yammer, the unemployment rate, while seemingly lower, in fact is about five times what you see on your local news or media outlet. A lot of people have run out of unemployment. People collecting that unemployment are was constitutes that lovely 5% number. However, keep in mind many people are working part-time, underemployed, working outside their trades, going to re-educate themselves or just simply given up any job search because there are no jobs.

    Second, security wise, we are in a much dangerous stance now than ever before in our history. There is a War that you and your cronies are not acknowledging. It's a war with Islam. May I remind you, before 2008, no one had ever heard of an ISIS. No one. Why? Because they did not exist. However, with pulling out of the Middle East, this administration created a power vacuum that someone had to fill. And look who filled it.

    Three, only until recently, has gas prices come down to a reasonable level again - but even so, the days of 99 cents a gallon are long gone. While these prices have come down, regulations have gone up; therefore, as consumers we do not get to enjoy the fruits of low shipping prices because of all the rules every business must adhere to in order to business in this country. So COS (Cost of Living) is still at its highest its every been since we started measuring such things.

    Four, racism is fabricated and quite frankly, so over used that one becomes numb to it. Minorities have more opportunities now than ever in the history of the country. Those opportunities are one of many big ticket items that is bankrupting this country. In fact, since Obama has taken office, by his very divisive nature, he has polarized race relations in the country - where there is more animosity between races than ever before. It's almost to the point of making Jim Crow look like a Utopia as it breeds this PC-RIDDLED environment where no one can really have any verbal discourse without being labeled as a racist or homophobic.

    Five, social security recipients - those who really worked in order to retire, grapple more and more everyday to make ends meet. The doughnut hole in your tooted Obamacare is killing senior citizens whom have to make the choice, "DO I eat or take my medicine?" It's one or the other.

    Six, Obamacare is the biggest adjunct failure since The New Deal. It has driven healthcare costs up disproportionately and many people still do not have insurance because they CANNOT AFFORD it. Working people who cannot afford the escalated premiums and higher and higher charges for pharmaceutical pricing based on nothing but companies turning a quick buck rather than thinking of the country they are getting "GRANTS" from the government to SERVE.

    This country is far from being better off, as I sit here and watch the market go up and down faster than the roller coasters at Six Flags.

    I'm sure on a personal level, none of us would be all too excited about spending quality one on one time with any president from our history. Mr. Obama has a public persona just like ever other president - that may or may not jive with his personal being. However, any president that executive orders his way around the Constitution is not okay in my book. Nor should he be in your book either.

    You really need to study some history, 3:12, and I'm not talking 30 years ago, I'm talking 3 years ago.

    Re-educate yourself and take away the world that's been pulled over your eyes.

  4. Health *insurance* does not equal healthcare. Yes, millions more people now have health insurance but it is worthless because of high deductibles, high co-pays and limited networks. Most people are actually receiving less medical care than before.

  5. 3:12 is delusional, scary to think there are more of them like him out there. One more block could be placed under the Hildabeast's feet in the cartoon labeled "Delusional Obamanites".

  6. 3:12
    I was waiting for the punch line in that fictional satire you wrote.

  7. 3:49 My family is better off and continuing to move forward.

    I don't believe security is any worse today than it was on the day of 9/11. In fact I am sure there is more awareness and it is better.

    I don't know if we will see 99 cent a gallon gas again or not. I didn't expect to see gas under two dollars. I am waiting for 25 cent gas but I hope we never see it again because something will really be wrong.

    Racism is not fabricated and the fact that you would say it is proves it is not.

    Social Security recipients - have always grappled to make ends met when that was all they had but at least they have that. We were taught to build a three legged stool S.S., pension, and personal savings. Today many workers no longer have a pension. They are going to have to really build those personal savings. The doughnut hole was in place long before Obama Care.

    Obamacare has helped many and not some others. Health insurance has gone up in cost every year I have been on this earth about 67 years. If you want to bring rising costs to an end you are going to have to support a government single payer plan.

    The market has always gone up and down hence the saying buy low and sell high. It can be nerve racking. But I love buying a bargain and watching it climb after awhile. Don't you?

    I would be delighted to hang around and also interview any president past, present or future. Perhaps I could sell the story and buy more stock.

  8. 4:37PM, No disrespect to your age. However, if your family is thriving now, then more power to you. You are in the minority.

    With more people on food stamps since the creation of the problem, you can hardly say that others are sharing in your joyous prosperity. With the insurgence of the unemployed, ditto.

    As for racism, I pointed this out because you went on some bent about people judging by the color of skin. Quite frankly, I wish Thomas Sowell, economist/scholar/Army Veteran, would run for president but he won't. He's 85 and incidentally, he is African American.

    Obamacare has destroyed healthcare in this country for young AND old. You will know this the next time you go to the hospital and leave but then are turned away when you ask for re-admittance for the same problem. Yes, my dear friend, this is reality. And with Pfeiffer just announcing their drug pay raise, you will see pharma is going to be a budget killer for many more than it already affects.

    As for social security, when most of the early baby boomers working their high-paying jobs at $12,000 a year, they did not have the COS that we have now. They were (as I am sure you remember fondly) buying bread for 25 cents a loaf - not $3.59 for less of an old loaf size. Their money is based on what was taken in 1970 not 2016. There's a huge difference. Perhaps one day, when I find them in my growing files of intel, I will post a picture of prices in 1984 verses now. You could buy a whole brand new Honda Civic for $7,000.00 - that same car now costs at least $19,000.00 if not more.

    So to say that social security people should be 'happy' with the fruits of the decades of labor is preposterous beyond reason. My grandmother gets $590 a month and her medicine is $789 on her 'doughnut hole' months. Clearly, she's living the government way - deficit spending.

    Once again, I do not mean to negate your perils of wisdom from 67 years; however, to me based on your prose, it's 67 years of brainwashing that really requires you to pull the world that's been pulled over your eyes and see the dire straits this situation has created.

  9. Obama is an traitor to america and aids our emenies, no matter how you slice it. Thanks. 3:49 for setting that ignorant head in the sand obama lover straight. Fools like him will be first in line for their 666 forehead stamps.

  10. To 5:11 Thornton from 4:37

    When You say, "As for racism, I pointed this out because you went on some bent about people judging by the color of skin" it is obvious you have me mixed up with somebody else since my 4:37 comments were the only ones I made here before these.

    Also I am a second year oldest boomer. I will never have the pleasure of hearing the news person say, "Today the last living boomer died." The first year I worked full time I made $6,750.

    Don't worry about posting the prices of new 1984 cars to show me. My new car buying all took place in 1971 and 1972. Both of our vehicles barely broke $2000 apiece. After that my wife and I decided we didn't need new cars and have bought used ever since.

    I didn't say S.S. was by itself ever the answer. I said for our generation the answer was a three legged stool that included S.S.

    Maybe when my wife and I are both 70, should we continue to live, we will buy a new car just because we can or maybe we won't.

    I have seen a lot of people do things not in their best interest and we have made some mistakes ourselves but our goal has always been looking to the future. If we don't get to use it all than our kids will.

    Success in life is about the right kind of hard work, some proper timing and good luck. I am sorry for those who have not done as well as us. Perhaps because of nothing more than bad timing and bad luck outside of their control.

    I know there are those who have done better than we have.

    Our glass is half full it may be that your glass is half empty through no fault of your own.

  11. Thornton -- Let us not forget that there is a directly proportional number of people on SSDI going up now as the unemployment numbers go down. For some strange reason we have had a glut of disabled people develop in our country in the last seven years.


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