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Monday, January 11, 2016

Newt: Understanding Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a genuine phenomenon.

He may or may not become the Republican nominee for president.

He may or may not win the presidency even if he becomes the nominee.

Yet it is clear that he is a phenomenon and that any history of the 2016 presidential race will have to spend a good bit of time analyzing Mr. Trump and his impact.

From the time he announced on June 16, Mr. Trump has dominated social and mainstream media. He dominates the conversation despite the lack of paid advertising.

Mr. Trump says outrageous things and his supporters shrug it off. At every turn, his poll numbers continue to rise.

As a step toward understanding this amazing performance, I spent part of the Christmas break reading his first bestseller, “The Art of the Deal.”

Written in 1987, this book is a classic among American business books and has influenced a generation of entrepreneurs.

Mr. Trump wrote “The Art of the Deal” when he was 41 years old and having a successful run. The book’s popularity contributed to Time Magazine’s decision to feature Donald Trump on its cover in January 1989.

The portrait that emerges from this easy-to-read and remarkably interesting book is of an aggressive, ambitious person who is constantly pushing, constantly learning, and always seeking the next challenge.



  1. Still put off by Newt over the last election. Karl Rove, too. They need to just disappear into obscurity and stop being regarded as talking heads on news outlets. Their predictions were completely out of whack in 2012, saying Romney had it when, in fact, was not the case.

  2. "...every 4 years for the rest of my life..."


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