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Saturday, January 23, 2016

New Programs Redefine Traditional ‘Vo-Tech’

NEWARK — Vo-Tech isn’t what it used to be.

That’s the message teachers and administrators at Worcester Technical High School are trying to share with students as they work to promote the facility’s growing list of programs.

“Let’s face it,” said Caroline Bloxom, principal of Worcester Tech. “Your momma and daddy’s vo-tech school did not include programs in engineering, biomedical science and interactive media production. Worcester Tech offers four STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programs and 14 updated traditional programs.”

With February designated as Career and Technical Education month, Bloxom and her Worcester Tech educators are even more eager than usual to expound the benefits of technical education. They want to dispel the “lingering vo-tech stereotype” that students who take classes there are those who are unlikely to attend college.


1 comment:

  1. It would be better for a lot of children if they would realize that college isn't for everyone and doesn't guarantee a high paying job upon graduation. There is a great need for skilled labor and as more manufacturing is taken over by robots the people with the skill to fix them will be the ones earning big money.


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