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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Look out, Hillary! About one in five Democrats would vote for TRUMP, poll finds

Approximately 1 in 5 Democratic voters have revealed they would rather vote for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump over likely candidate Hillary Clinton.

The finding comes from polling firm company Mercury Analytics.

The firm said on its website that it 'conducted a survey and ad 'dial-test' of Trump's first campaign spot among a national sample of 'likely voters.'

'Almost 20% of likely Democratic voters would today cross parties and vote for Donald Trump, while only 14% of Republicans would cross parties to vote for Hillary Clinton,' the post said.



  1. Im suprised they found only 1 ...more like 3 out of 5 dems would vote for donald

  2. Hillary is not as popular as the media would lead you to believe - and it's not about being a female, it's about being - uh, DISHONEST. She is not a trustworthy person. She lies and has been caught in many of them. Busted.

    Integrity should be one of the top five qualities our POTUS ought to have. Never completely trust a politician or anyone with enormous power; but, when they start out a liar and you know they're a liar, then it's all downhill from there.

  3. I can't imagine four years of her "I'm sick and tired" voice.

  4. needs to be many more.

  5. But she could handle major foriegn policy incidents like she did Benghazi; "What difference does it make?" could work for all incidents and her little Obamanites could just go back to sleep. Wouldn't that be wonderful?


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