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Monday, January 04, 2016

Lawsuit settled; ‘old wounds’ remain

The two-year-old, $8 million lawsuit filed by Zackery Tyndall against the Berlin Fire Company was settled this year, although the relationship between the town and the BFC remains on unsteady ground.

In March, the Gazette reported that a major new housing development had reopened old wounds. The town and county both gave preliminary support to the project, located on Seahawk Road and being developed by Rinnier Properties, but the fire company wrote a letter to the county commissioners criticizing the town for not consulting them on the matter.

“Our concern is the continued development within the town and no planning for the fire company’s future,” Fire Company President David Fitzgerald said. “Anybody with any bit of common sense would understand that those people are going to get sick, people are going to fall down, they’re going to need an ambulance, the fire alarms are going to go off – either by accident or by a real fire – and we’re going to be busier.”

Fitzgerald said several fire company facilities and vehicles were in disrepair, notably Station Three near the annexation site.

“You can stand inside the building and look outside through the holes in the wall,” Fitzgerald said. “We never know what we’re getting from the town anymore, and at some point we’re going to run out of resources.”

Fitzgerald said he had no idea what caused the rift between the town and the fire company, and lamented that it was not invited to participate in Town Council meetings.

Berlin Mayor Gee Williams, however, said he found it ironic that the only organization the town consistently seems to have trouble with is its fire department.



  1. Funny how yet again Mr. D gets himself in a jam. Last time it was at his vol station and he covered for an employee cheating on his wife with a minor on duty. Great cover ups and still volunteers and acts as if he's never done wrong

  2. Station 3 only exists to mark their territory in the fund raising battle against nearby companies.

  3. I have a splendid idea , with all the worry about new developments and "people getting sick " , we should just have 1 fire truck and multiple emergency vehicles such as ambulances to take care of the sick and old. 95% of all calls are for ambulances in ALL fire Depts.
    It's gonna happen , why wait. We could name the Fire houses as "Your
    Wings of Life" or in the case of Westside " Your Ducks In".
    We all know what goes on in the fire companies , let's make it real , Days of our Life , and on and on .

  4. Why do the fire department heads think they need to be invited to Town Council meetings?

    The open meetings act ensures that all meetings are open to the Public.

    Maybe Fitzgerald doesn't feel that he's a member of the "Public"?

  5. hey 6:09
    I'll answer your question , " they think with their wrong head"

  6. I don't believe fire code inspectors who would review plans are a part of local volunteer fire companies.

  7. All towns only plan for revenue and growth. If you have issues your on your own. Berlin is growing rapidly and as in the case of the Bury you still have local Yocals running it who don't have a clue what to do.

  8. There are professionals and then there are.... others. The BFD falls under the latter category.

  9. Well.....BFC still crying poor. The building with the whole in it is a rental building. They new this when they rented the place. They just wanted to keep territory closer to West Ocean City. Bunch of cry babies. They do not deserve the funding they are getting. Had to have someone from counsel beg they to take the $450,000 the town helped them towards all the new equipment they bought. BECAUSE Mr. D refused to go get the check, heard Town counsel member took them the check.What do the tax payers of Berlin think of that?????? Mayor talks about mending fences, just had another election who are the Officers now???? President????? Same old Same Old. No change. Same bunch that said they would not come and get the Towns people when they needed help because of withholding funds. What is to say they will help now????What gaurante that when they have another tantrum they will help Berlin towns people????!!!!


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