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Monday, January 18, 2016

Illinois rep EXPLODES on the House Floor - It's about time


  1. We need more like him.

  2. And the elitists probably think he needs a mental evaluation for not following lock step.

  3. GREAT I feel the same way

  4. I agree it's about time and it's hasn't been one sided,the speakers of the house are crazy with power,lately it's been Harry Reid a democrat then those no good RINOs Bohnner and that POS that replaced him,what ever the hell his name is. There is an election coming up and it's time to clean house.The republicans better wise up real fast or as a free nation we are done.

  5. "When does it stop?" Great question indeed.

  6. He hasn't been in Congress very long (since 2015). This is why politician was never supposed to be a career!

  7. It will take a new constitutional convention, possibly a new American Revolution or civil war before our grievances are taken seriously and heard. They have ignored us to long. Glad the public is now waking up to this fact.

  8. Theyll be looking to remove his gun rights after that.


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