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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

"I Refuse to Own a Cellphone."

In the heart of the most tech-obsessed corner of the planet, Steve Hilton hasn’t had a phone in years. He’s relaxed, carefree, happier. His wife on the other hand ...

Before you read on, I want to make one thing clear: I’m not trying to convert you. I’m not trying to lecture you or judge you. Honestly, I’m not. It may come over like that here and there, but believe me, that’s not my intent. In this piece, I’m just trying to ... explain.

People who knew me in a previous life as a policy adviser to the British prime minister are mildly surprised that I’m now the co-founder and CEO of a tech start-up . And those who know that I’ve barely read a book since school are surprised that I have now actually written one.

But the single thing that no one seems able to believe – the thing that apparently demands explanation – is the fact that I am phone-free. That’s right: I do not own a cellphone; I do not use a cellphone. I do not have a phone. No. Phone. Not even an old-fashioned dumb one. Nothing. You can’t call me unless you use my landline – yes, landline!

Can you imagine? At home. Or call someone else that I happen to be with (more on that later).

When people discover this fact about my life, they could not be more surprised than if I had let slip that I was actually born with a chicken’s brain. “But how do you live?” they cry. And then: “How does your wife feel about it?” More on that too, later.

As awareness has grown about my phone-free status (and its longevity: this is no passing fad, people – I haven’t had a phone for over three years), I have received numerous requests to “tell my story”. People seem to be genuinely interested in how someone living and working in the heart of the most tech-obsessed corner of the planet, Silicon Valley, can possibly exist on a day-to-day basis without a smartphone.

So here we go. Look, I know it’s not exactly Caitlyn Jenner, but still: here I am, and here’s my story.


  1. It takes guts to do this in today's world.
    People will say you're crazy, but those same people are slaves to their phones.. they can't put them down (and don't want to).
    So who is it really that is crazy?

  2. When I no longer need to have a phone for work, I will have NO phone.

  3. Totally agree with the guy. There is no reason for everyone to be able to "reach out and touch me" whenever they want to. I am not that important and more importantly, I don't like being available at anytime. If I am at work, I am available. When I leave to go home I don't want work calling me for the smallest thing just because they can. I also don't like calls from people who drive for a living and they are just calling everyone they know as they drive along so that they won't be bored on the ride. Didn't carry one at all for the past 4-5 years but did break down and buy a "pay as you go" phone just to carry for emergencies such as my vehicle breaking down. I don't tell anyone that I have a phone and I don't give out the number. It is not for people to call me, it is for emergencies.

  4. There is some contest that gives a million dollars to a person who can live without any technology for a month. (perhaps its 3 but whose counting)

    It means all technology: cellphone, internet, cable, tv, video games, ipads, and anything that is 'connected' to the outside world.

    Would you take this challenge? Think about it. A million dollars. $1,000,000.00.


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