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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How to deal with Jehovah's Witnesses


  1. I have an easier way. Have a dog with you when you talk to them and threaten to open the door. I have done this once about 25 years ago and have never been bothered again. Guess we are marked. GOOD

  2. I would rather have the Jehovah's witnesses at my door vs. a democratic fundraiser!

  3. Jehovah Witnesses are really nice people and deserve personal respect for what they believe.
    This is America where we have many different kinds of religion. Christians don't have the right to rule.

  4. Tell them you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior, and that he died for sinners, they will quickly not want to come in, and I have invited them to our Methodist Church, and given them times for worship they leave and don't show up or contact that Church.

  5. I have talked with and studied the Bible with them in the past... Never rude or pushy. If I didn't feel like the time was right I simply told them and they left. They respected me and I respected them. Not really any issue here!!

  6. I am a Christian and know I don't have the right to rule, however, I really like this solution for Muslims and their Sharia law.


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