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Monday, January 04, 2016

How Baltimore City police dealt with speeding bikers

WASHINGTON — When ATV, sportbike and motorcycle riders swarmed across the Inner Loop of the Beltway last Sunday, weaving between cars and clocking in at speeds of more than 110 mph, plenty of drivers wondered where the police were.

Since Sunday’s ride, Maryland State Police have said often by the time they are called out, speeding bikers are long gone, and that engaging in chases can make things more dangerous on the roads.

But that still left many motorists wondering if the highways would just be left to riders who felt they could do what they want—including blocking traffic.

Maryland State Police Spokeswoman Elena Russo said on Thursday that they have been getting lots of calls and emails about bikers on the Inner Loop, U.S. Route 50 and Interstate 295—and that some of the social media postings and videos are proving very helpful. Russo says they will seek to prosecute.



  1. These thugs are doing this across the street fro spd lol.

  2. The new bike/scooter/ATV State registration laws were enacted solely to prevent these type of incidents, which are becoming more and more prevalent by the weeks - almost all in the inner cities.
    As a result, only the law-abiding citizens participated in the licensing. (When the thugs run from the police they just ditch the vehicle in an alley or backyard. They are certainly not going to put their name on a registration!)
    Gun Control advocates take notice!
    It's exactly the same.

    1. When caught the vehicles need to be impounded and numerous high summonses.

    2. Many of the bikes are stolen - bought on the black market. They really don't mind ditching the bikes to avoid being caught. Also (and this comes from a friend that is a downtown resident), if they ditch a bike in someone's backyard, there is no way that the property owner is going to alert (snitch) the police. They'll - the thugs - just go back and get the bike later.
      "Summons"? You have to be kidding. That's only a piece of throwaway trash to these people.

  3. Yea, sure they are going to deal with it. All I ever see police do is just drive around all day. How much gas are they burning up doing nothing? What happened to them walking a beat? Got lazy? All they do is respond to calls of crimes, not prevent them.


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