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Saturday, January 23, 2016

HEROIC Gun Toting Teacher Saved DOZENS Of Students From Shooters By Firing BACK!

This teacher had a gun, and when the terrorists came spreading their terror, he was ready for them. This educator sacrificed his life to stay behind and fire back at the terrorists while his students escaped…he is the definition of a HERO

TheDaily Mail reported on the hero teacher with a gun.

A chemistry lecturer known as ‘The Protector’ died saving his students by firing back at Taliban militants during a deadly attack on their university that left 30 dead and dozens injured today.

Gunmen stormed the Bacha Khan University in Pakistan in an assault that echoed a horrifying Taliban massacre on a nearby army-run school and previous attacks against girls’ education, notably the failed assassination attempt of Malala Yusufzai in 2012 in the same province.

It is also believed the school may have been targeted because it is named after Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, a towering secular figure in Pakistani politics and ally of Mahatma Gandhi.


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