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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Help the SFD by digging out your fire hydrant.


  1. Isn't what we pay city taxes for?

  2. Clearing a path to your mailbox is also required...but I'll do this one first!

  3. Stop driving around shopping and dig them out.

  4. 11:24 - if the hydrant is on an easement of your property, you're required to clear it...

    Wait a minute - leave it alone, you have no common-sense and rely on the government for too much...you deserve to have your house burn longer while the firemen clear your hydrant before they can plug in the hose!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Isn't what we pay city taxes for?

    January 22, 2016 at 11:24 AM


  6. Let the paid firemen do it. It will give them a break from chasing all the ambulance calls.

  7. There is a public works department. Can't they clear these so the firemen can continue to answer the ambulance calls?

  8. We aint got no hydrants in the county. We have to break holes through the ice on the farm ponds and river.

  9. HAHAHA!!! @ 11:38

    nice piggy back

  10. It amazes me that so many people are so lazy! You want the government to do everything for you, and still complain about everything! Want to know what is wrong with this area - Look in the mirror! See the lazy person staring back at you - yep you are part of the problem!

  11. How about all the state employees that get off at 1:00 today clear the hydrants? Oh, that's right - no snow yet. I get offices closing that are in a more direct path of storm. Closing all offices is just stupid. I know, I know it would be unfair for one office to close and not the other. Sorry!!

  12. You all surely have the right attitude with it "AIN"T MY JOB". Lets harass the firemen who have to remove snow from hydrants BEFORE hooking up for water. Lets stand around jeering them for not doing hydrants duty 24/7 during snow storms. Fun day is sitting on my butt watching houses burn because it "ain't my job" to be a good neighbor, or to help others.

    There are several jerks making stupid comments on here. But with their attitudes/mentality they probably believe it is me.

  13. With all the rules and regulations, it's no wonder there's so many houses in the city for sale. Who wants to live there and pay the high taxes to get minimum services on the government level? If you're going to have high taxes, then carry through with high-end services.

  14. We only want the government to do everything for us because they have taken everything we have! We have no money. They take it all.

  15. Would prisoners something to do.

  16. Use the so called homeless to do it in the" Bury".

  17. They won't clear them in OC, this is remodeling time by way of fire.

    1. Leave OC out of your trash Salisbury bs. Public works makes sure most (hydrants) are clear, and if a fire crew sees one not done, they do it. TEAMWORK not let's piss and moan. FFEMTP10 Retires


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