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Saturday, January 09, 2016

Guns: Bad Journalism and Bad Politics

Are you opposed to “common sense” gun laws? These are what liberals like Hillary Clinton are always proclaiming their support for. In their telling, expanding background checks, closing the “gun show loophole,” and restricting Internet sales will, in the words of liberal columnist E.J. Dionne, “(limit) the carnage on our streets, in our schools and houses of worship, and at our movie theaters.” That’s not an argument — it’s moral grandstanding, and not a word of it holds up under scrutiny.

As someone who doesn’t love guns, and who believes that the Second Amendment does not forbid all regulation of gun ownership, I am open to the idea of gun control. The facts, though, are stubborn things. We’ve always had plentiful guns in this country, but we haven’t always had the frequency of random, mass shootings in public places that have so disturbed us over the past couple of decades.

As many critics, including the fact checker at the Washington Post, have observed, President Obama’s suggestion that “A violent felon can buy the exact same weapon over the Internet with no background check, no questions asked” is rubbish. “A gun dealer must comply with federal laws that require gun sellers to have licenses and perform background checks … without regard for whether the sale is arranged on the Internet or in person,” quoth The Washington Post.

None of the reforms proposed by President Obama would have prevented the awful mass shootings in Newtown or Roseburg or Aurora or San Bernardino. As the AP showed, the killers in those cases legally purchased their weapons and passed background checks; or used straw purchasers (already illegal); or used weapons owned by family members. The Charleston killer should not have passed the background check (he had a drug arrest on his record), but government bungling allowed the purchase to proceed.


1 comment:

  1. I can personally say, I have never, ever, ever seen a gun fire all by itself.

    With that said, this gun-rhetoric is just insane. Criminals don't go through background checks and, when they do (San Bernardino) they seldom are flagged. Why? No record, clearance assured. However, your average street thug doesn't go through the legal channels to get their weaponry. It's called the Black Market. Most law abiding citizens don't even know where this black market exists or how to access it, much less use it to purchase their guns.

    One thing can be done is to undo the Clinton administration (90s) snafu when they softened on mental health and closed asylums due to some bleeding heart liberal narrative to show their 'compassion for the mentally challenged (PC). Balderdash and nonsensically, they let people out and low and behold what goes up -- the homeless population and crime on the streets. Who's connecting those dots?


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