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Saturday, January 23, 2016

GOP Outraged at Obama's Visa Move: 'Blatantly Breaking the Law'

Republicans were outraged Thursday after the Obama administration eased new visa requirements for certain European travelers who have visited Iran, Iraq, Syria, or Sudan in the last five years — accusing President Barack Obama of appeasing Tehran and charging that the changes would undercut efforts to prevent terrorists from entering the United States.

"The Obama administration is blatantly breaking the law, a law the president himself signed," said House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul of Texas. "This is not a difference of opinion over statutory interpretation, it is a clear contradiction of the law and the agreement we reached with the White House.

"President Obama is again putting his relationship with Iran's supreme leader over the security of Americans."

Both McCaul and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte said that the new exemptions had already been rejected by Congress.

"President Obama and his administration's decision to abuse their limited waiver authority and allow scores of people who have traveled to or are dual nationals of countries like Iraq and Syria flies in the face of reason and congressional intent," Goodlatte said. "This needlessly compromises our national security and the safety of the American people."



  1. So what are they going to do about it?

    Huff and puff?

  2. Outrage does not equal action.

  3. There has been much outrage over the last seven years over Obama's actions but their action sends a message of their complicity or apathy. Therefore, their outrage seems feigned at best, insulting to the public when nothing more is done other than words.

  4. Blowing smoke again...up our nether regions...if they had justice in their hearts, obama would have been impeached a few years ago.


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