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Monday, January 11, 2016

Franchot Pledges Regulation Of Fantasy Sports Sites

When lawmakers begin their session in Annapolis on Wednesday there is the possibility that lawmakers may ban daily fantasy sports sites, after officials in New York ordered Draft Kings and Fan Duel to shut down operations there.

The Baltimore Sun recently reported that former Maryland Lottery and Gaming Director Stephen Martino has been hired as a lobbyist for the websites.

Senate President Mike Miller told The Daily Record’s Bryan Sears, he felt the sites were in violation of the Maryland constitution, which requires any expansion of gambling to be approved by voters.

Comptroller Peter Franchot told Maryland’s News This Week that a 2014 law made these sites legal, and puts his office in charge of regulating them.



  1. Awwww, they're not getting a big enough cut from free market taxes, they want half, right?

  2. State hates the fact that someone else is profiting from a form of gambling. Just like I can't play poker online while in the borders of Maryland, yet there are live poker rooms at maryland's casinos and" tournaments for charity" held at clubs and fraternal organizations. Then they want to track my winnings so that can be taxed. It greed by the government!

  3. Miller never complained during all the years of slot machine gambling in Chesapeake Beach guarded by paid County officers all day and night. Unfortunately, Franchot is no saint either.

  4. "Those were the days!"

    Yes, a lot of officers miss the overtime. Now, these juveniles in Annapolis are too busy arguing who amongst themselves gets the bucks from all the kickbacks instead. I can only hope that Hogan prevails and puts these old timers out to pasture.


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