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Thursday, January 14, 2016

FBI Expands Clinton Foundation Corruption Investigation

For Americans who have been paying attention to the numerous scandals that have always surrounded Hillary Clinton, many are wondering when and if she will ever be indicted and charged for her crimes. If her improper handling of classified emails, use of her private server and failure with Benghazi have not been enough to derail her campaign for the presidency, perhaps an expanded FBI probe into the Clinton Foundation will be.

Last spring, we wondered whether the Clinton Foundation would actually be Clinton’s downfall, but for the last several months the FBI investigations have been primarily focused on her emails and use of a private server. That has now changed.

The FBI has expanded its investigation to include the Clinton Foundation and is looking into whether or not there is a connection between Foundation work and State Department business. If there is a connection between the two, then that would be a violation of public corruption laws, and should be disastrous for Clinton.

Why would that be? Well, it just so happens that on the official website of the FBI, public corruption is listed as the top criminal priority. And by all indications, the FBI is holding to this standard.

In fact, there are reportedly at least 150 FBI agents on the case. According to former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova, that is “a very unusually high number” of investigators to be working on one case.

Indeed it is a high number, but with there being an alleged exchange of favors between insiders from the Clinton Foundation and with the State Department led by Hillary Clinton, such attention is warranted. The stench of corruption is frankly, overwhelming.

More here


  1. Don't you just love it? The Clintons are experts in finding ways to bankrupt us taxpayers. Anybody else wonder how much THIS is costing us?

  2. Oh my... I don't even have to read this article other than the title to know its general thrust.

    When will people recognize the true nature of the Clintons? What does it take? Does Hillary have to come to your home, pour sugar in your gas tank while being video tapped for you to get it?

    She is dishonest, lacks integrity and possess not one ounce of moral compass.

  3. It's all about staying in control over the minions,that's it.

  4. I told you before , she owns the FBI as well as Obama. Nothing will be done.


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