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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Fans Of Divine Want To Build Monument Honoring Late Actor

BALTIMORE (AP) — Here’s proof that Baltimore isn’t called The Monumental City for nothing.

A group of Divine fans are looking to put a monument to the late actor, drag queen, singer and counterculture figure near the Tyson Street site where his most notorious movie scene — the one at the end of John Waters’ 1972 “Pink Flamingos” — was filmed.

“There will be pilgrimages to see this, I think,” said Michal Makarovich, owner of the Hampden Junque store, who is spearheading the effort and has appeared on its behalf before Baltimore’s Public Art Commission. “We think there will be an international fan base.”

The proposed marble and concrete monument, roughly eight feet tall and three feet wide, would consist of an arch perched atop two classically Baltimore marble steps. A photo of Divine in full drag-queen makeup would stare out from the space under the arch, with a small bronze representation of the doggie doo he scooped up and ate at the end of “Pink Flamingos” resting on the top step. Waters’ reminiscence on the days he and his cast and crew were shooting the infamous scene — “It was a magic day in our happy young lives” — would be inscribed under Divine’s photo.



  1. They will take down a monument that has anything to do with the civil war and now want to put one up for this freak of nature. They get what they deserve.

  2. What's that sound? Crickets?

  3. Is she dressed as a mermaid or a catfish?

  4. Ben in Wicomico CountyJanuary 19, 2016 at 9:01 PM

    I have met people who worked with him and he is known for being outrageous, that is not horrid in my book. I think he made a very good mark in film and all the other counter culture things of the 80's and as long as it is privately funded and maintained with nothing disgusting on display let it happen.
    Given the chance I would put a Civil War statue park out for all of those who don't want to erase history can remember it before I would set up Divine's memorial but I have laughed hysterically with many friends over the years to his work

  5. Put it up. Have some fun for a change.

  6. That's why we are in the financial situation we are in now. stupid people doing stupid wasteful things. help the mental and physically handicapped or something.

  7. His "work"??

    Mostly famous for eating dog crap?

  8. Steve Harvey will present it and say,
    "Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Kaitlyn Jenner".


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