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Saturday, January 02, 2016

Eric's Barber Shop Closed Until 1-11-16


  1. We'll let it slide this time Eric but don't make a habit of it.In the meantime,if you see a sheepdog walking around town it's most likely me.

  2. I got my haircut there News Years Eve, my first time, good haircut, good conversation, plan to go again. Thanks Eric

  3. Have a nice vacation, Eric!

  4. This is how you lose business , atleast hire barbers in there your getting old soon we are going to start calling you pete

  5. Prices are too high, he thinks he is the best barber, fighter, lover etc...typical one upper

  6. This is exactly how Eric lost me and several other friends as customers. Always closing for days at a time. All he does is talk about how great he is, instead of cutting hair. Nobody had three hours to get a haircut just to listen to your narcissism. This is exactly how businesses fail. He won't be around much longer. Someone else will come along who will take all his customers. It's just a matter of time.


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