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Saturday, January 02, 2016

DC Politician Calls Man ‘White Supremist’ For Live-Tweeting A Meeting

A low-level District of Columbia politician long known for her crazy antics recently stormed out of a meeting and called a man a “white supremist” [sic] for tweeting about the meeting.

Audio recorded at a May meeting of an Advisory Neighborhood Commission meeting shows commissioner Kathy Henderson berating two men for simply recording the deeds of government officials.

“You know something? You do this deliberately. I know you sit here, sit here innocently like you’re just recording something. But the whole goal is that you, this white supremist [sic] here,” Henderson says before being interrupted by shouts of “oh, wow” and “what?” from shocked attendees.



  1. Drug test her. Or, perhaps ,she is just plain stupid.

  2. Stupid can't be fixed...

  3. And yet she's still in office.


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