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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Berlin, Fenwick Latest To Join Drilling Opposition

BERLIN– Two more area towns have joined the growing list of municipalities making known their opposition to seismic testing in the Atlantic Ocean.

Officials in Berlin and Fenwick Island both passed resolutions outlining their concerns with seismic testing. Fenwick leaders approved a resolution Friday after a presentation from Assateague Coastal Trust while Berlin’s council passed a resolution Monday. Berlin is now the 102nd town on the East Coast to do so.

“You all should be proud of taking a public stance on that,” Berlin Mayor Gee Williams told council members after the vote.

Seismic drilling has been a hot topic up and down the coast since the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) began evaluating permits from private entities interested in performing seismic air gun testing in the Atlantic Ocean to identify oil and natural gas deposits.



  1. Fracking has causing gas prices to drop.

  2. Where is JAWS when you need him?

  3. Fracking is the cleanest way of harvesting.

  4. Fracking is the surest way to end up with contaminated drinking water and earth quakes. Please read people!!!

  5. There is a lot of backdoor drilling going on in Fenwick all the time.

  6. What are those kayaks made of, again?

  7. Fracking happens well below drinking water levels and the "fracking fluid" Is nothing but water. There has been some contamination from issues at surface level that was caused by the Eco terrorists trying to stop fracking.

    1. i see you dont read much except the liberal bs

    2. You make no sense he is pro fracking how is a a liberal?

  8. Then OCMD should pay $10 a gallon for gas.


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