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Friday, January 08, 2016

Baltimore Sun: Obama Should Create Public Registry Of Gun Owners

On January 7, The Baltimore Sun gave President Obama kudos for issuing executive orders for gun control, but expressed their desire that he add another measure–a public registry of gun owners.

And the Sun wants the registry to be searchable, so that mothers can look up the parents of their children’s friends to see if they keep guns in their homes.

The article, by the Sun‘s deputy editorial page editor, put it this way:
As President Barack Obama announced plans this week to tighten background checks for gun buyers and increase gun tracking and research, I thought, that’s all well and good, but how about adding something immediately useful: a gun owner registry available to the public online — something like those for sex offenders. I’m not equating gun owners with predatory perverts, but the model is helpful here; I want a searchable database I can consult to find out whether my kid can have a play date at your house.



  1. I'll never buy another Baltimore Sun paper. F---ing idiots. Every American citizen has the right to keep and bear arms and we don't want any liberal nut jobs harassing us for exercising our constitutional right and the right to protect our family and property.

  2. Dear Baltimore Sun:

    I know you mean well, but such a list is just a shopping list for criminals to steal guns. Seriously. Get a clue. I'm pretty liberal and I don't support that at all.

    Also, as a parent, I know who my kids' friends are, who their parents are and what the home life is like. Why? Because I take the time to know these things.

  3. Yep, that will really help get illegal guns off the street. Idiots.

  4. I may not want the son of an idiot to have a ply date at my house

  5. Burn bmore burn! At this point you get what you put in and those idiots deserve the mess they have created.

  6. Leave it to theses guys to want a list rather then having to actually be present in your kids lives.

  7. I'll fill that out the same time I do my drone registration!

  8. Fishwrap boner of the year!

  9. The upcoming NATIONAL gun buyout will be a sensation regardless of which side of the fence one is on.Millions are expected to turn out with everything from belt buckle guns to assault rifles.It will be interesting to find out where in Wicomico County guns will be received,but early money is on the Civic Center.

  10. Well we've have programs such as minority set a side businesses, we have lowered the standard so the can become police officers and we have lowered the standard in school and they still can pass. Now we have to change the gun laws so they don't kill each other!!! The problem is they need a case of act right!!! I tired of there excuses and the bull crap!! Since they are African Americans and not Americans they can go back to there home country!!! Since when does the 15 % of the population controll the other 85%???? Time make America great again !!!!!

  11. That is exactly what the Nazis did in Germany. First they created a registry, then once they had the names of all the gun owners, they went around and confiscated them, then they rounded up the defenseless Jews and exterminated them.

  12. I propose a registry of flaming commie liberals that advocate the elimination of our second amendment rights. Make sure their names and addresses are made public.

  13. The Baltimore Sun is as liberal as the come. I quit reading this trash years ago.


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