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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A Viewer Writes: DE DMV Outage

Georgetown, DE - DMV computers have been down since before 12:00 today. I and others have been waiting now for over 3 hours watching personnel come and go for break or reading magazines. No updates or status from the DMV.


  1. Downtown Salisbury lost power today as well.

  2. While I know the situation sucks I can say that the personnel can't resolve the issue if the system is down so you can't blame them for reading or taking a break if there is nothing for them to do while waiting for the issue to resolve.

    Often State agencies are tied to a central state wide system. If that system goes down then there isn't much anyone can do but wait around while it is being fixed. I am sure it is a safe bet that whoever is on with I.T. is scrambling in the background to get things up and running as quickly as possible.

    Yes a lot of Government workers tend to not have much hussle but you can rest assured if the entire network is down all hands will be on deck in the IT dept to get things back up again asap. They will have a ton of people breathing down their neck to get the issue resolved.

    1. You mean the consultant will get it up and running. The State of Delaware doesn't have people who can do the job. That's why they pay consultants to do what they can't.

  3. Imagine what would happen if the computers went out at McDonalds...LOL

  4. Keep this in mind: The only people in that building that were being PAID to service the taxpayer were the people in the photo. The taxpayers were left to wait until someone announces at 4:30PM that WE ARE CLOSING! NO service was being provided and no indication of WHEN service would be restored. I mean, what is a computer these days? It's nothing more than a PC that costs a couple hundred bucks. Contingency planning should be more than "I'll read some magazines while all these CUSTOMERS wait to find out on their own when SERVICE will be restored. Obviously, nobody had developed any emergency plans outside of to clock out at 4:30PM. The DMV stopped providing a service today and it will be up to their customers to figure out when that service is resumed.

  5. The DMV did not lose power. They lost the ability to print anything related to driver services. Nobody thought about posting a sign that Driver Services was down (even though it was). People were simply left to wait without guidance until closing time to realize that they would not receive any services that day. Sounds like very uncourteous service to me given that the State Employees were getting paid while their customer was left to wait during the extended loss of services.

    The Democratic power in Delaware needs to be ousted as they serve only themselves.

  6. And you want the government to take care of you Hahahah


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