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Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Viewer Writes: City of Salisbury Employee Gets DWI & Other Multiple Charges

Citation Number:0000001HX0G1NCase Status:ACTIVE CASE
Violation Date:01/28/2016Violation Time:12:24 AM
District Code:02Location Code:03
Officer Name:SMITH, B
Officer ID:6083

Defendant Information
Address:30665 E RUSTIC DR
City:SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21804

Charge Information
Contributed to Accident?:NOPersonal Injury?:NO
Fine:0Related Citation Number:01HY0G1N

Vehicle Tag:6AT7721State:MDVehicle Description:


Dru Bragg who is Ireton's drinking buddy from the fire department. The guy that was an assistant chief and got fired by Jeff Simpson then Ireton made Simpson hire Dru Back. Then he went out on Medical disability for a shoulder injury. Then while Still mayor Ireton hired him as Housing Supervisor at NSCC. It's listed as John D. Bragg, Jr. age 50. He is listed on the City's NSCC page as J. Dru Bragg, Housing Supervisor. I wonder what will happen with his City job. He needs his license to drive NSCC's code enforcement cars.

We published the press release at 5:30 AM HERE



    He almost made it home.

  2. Uh oh. Drew Bragg caught.


  3. Bragg will get off he kisses up to Stevenson and ireton


  4. Arrested not convicted.


  5. If you don't take the the test police have very little case. Never understand drunk people taking test Noway possible to pass.

    1. Automatic suspension for refusal to take test .


  6. Awe, these poor drunks. Cops ruining their attempted murder spree, wasting tax payer dollars trying to keep the roads safe! How dare they?


  7. John D. Bragg Jr. 50yoa Salisbury, MD

    LMAO, I remember the day he got fired and Jimmy got him rehired at the Fire Department. Then this clown gets 66 2/3rds for a fake injury. Not to top anything off but Jimmy got him a job at Neighorhood Services and Code Compliance just like he did his buddy Sarah Rayne's husband. You talk about corruption. And Ireton wants to be your Congressman!

  8. The Courts will determine his driving abilities...

  9. Defendant Name:BRAGG, JOHN DRURY JR
    Address:30665 E RUSTIC DR

    I see Missy bought him a new house.

  10. There has already a heck of a con here. Hired by a City agency. Fired by the same. Forced to be hired back by his buddy. Then comes up with a shoulder injury. Went out on disability by the City agency. Then hired back by the City. Same as a criminal defrauding the City.

  11. I am outside the city and do nothing. If anyone inside the city is complaining on here, DO something! Even if it's a letter to the Daily rag shaming them for not doing an investigative piece on Ireton's cronyism. To think that hypocrite supported an ethics charge against honorable council people for the attorney they appointed. Thrown out of course because it was bogus. Ireton himself solicited those applications and how many applied? What, two maybe? But friend after friend of his gets a job in city government. Daily Times, you suck!

    1. I've said it once and I'm going to continue Tom Stevenson discharged from military for failed drug test hired by city failed drug test while construction crew foreman only to have Ireton make him code enforcement supervisor then city administrator. People how does a man even get hired after dishonorable discharge but two documented failed drug urines, how is this continued to be excepted and tolerated

  12. I say blame the city council for doing nothing about crime.

  13. First offense. He get a special license to ONLY drive for work purposes. Wow. You people in Salisbury are a hateful bunch. What goes around comes around.

  14. City charter 4:2 city administrator must possess a four year degree from accredited college( not correspondence studies) and or 5 years business experience neither of which Stevenson possess. the drama continues why do the rest of city employees tolerate it especially the Stevenson fiasco how do you even get hired by city at all after dishonorable discharge for failed drug test then fail another while city employee only to be promoted to code enforcement supervisor then administrator. How many of the rest of city employees could get that kind of preferential treatment. Something should be done

  15. "I say blame the city council for doing nothing about crime."

    Let's hear your suggestions, aside from firing the police chief. Real solutions to the problems of why crime is high and how to solve them. If you can't come up with anything useful, then you're just an ignorant, angry voice, whose anger is probably over something else that you can't control.
    In other words, put up or shut up.

    1. Crime what crime?? "Mayor" Day stated sand I quote crime in Salisbury is down " in the real world" is that some sort of negative prejudice dig at some of the neighborhoods within the city that are crime plagued and not in his little protected surroundings

  16. Mandatory random drug and alcohol testing for all government employees!

  17. Anonymous said...
    There has already a heck of a con here. Hired by a City agency. Fired by the same. Forced to be hired back by his buddy. Then comes up with a shoulder injury. Went out on disability by the City agency. Then hired back by the City. Same as a criminal defrauding the City.

    January 30, 2016 at 12:11 PM

    I think you might be on to something. The main character involved is Jim Ireton!

  18. Anonymous said...
    I've said it once and I'm going to continue Tom Stevenson discharged from military for failed drug test hired by city failed drug test while construction crew foreman only to have Ireton make him code enforcement supervisor then city administrator. People how does a man even get hired after dishonorable discharge but two documented failed drug urines, how is this continued to be excepted and tolerated

    January 30, 2016 at 2:46 PM

    Well I have to make a correction for you. He was hired by DingleBarrie Tillmon when they dissolve BHZ because Bill Holland screwed it up. Instead of firing Bill Holland they split BHZ into NSCC and BPI leaving Bill at BPI and hiring her cutie pie Tommy Boy to be the Super at NSCC. Even though he wasn't qualified to be a department head then and he isn't now.

    Now the Ball is in Jake Day's court and if he was smart he would be looking for another City Administrator.

    1. Thank you for the correction, I still am perplexed that this type of arranged job placement is permitted within city government

    2. Sounds like Mr. Stevenson has picked up more than one bad habit!! Seems like he figured out that if he moves any inhibitions and pride out of the way and gets right down to some real butt kissing he's been able to advance in a career with the city of Salisbury. With the extent of his promotions and short amount of time I'd say he's pretty good at whatever it is he's willing to do for promotions. It's somewhat disheartening he would sit back and watch what Ireton did to Ms.Chambers basically tried to ruin her life, Stevenson sat back like a snake and just waited to pounce on the opportunity. That's a real man there !!!

    3. OK let me get this straight Ireton has a hissy fit on then assistant Ms.Chambers, a young african American female with PHd credentials, Tom Stevenson two failed drug tests and some correspondence courses. How does this even come close to being right?? Like one of the previous posts think it's time for mayor Day to right that wrong, PERIOD!!

  19. 11:45 you have no idea what you are talking about

  20. One of the 3 administrative fire fighters riding around in a car all day doing nothing but wasting tax payer money can drive JBragg around at work.

  21. Other people in local govenrment are following the same path. Job title requires a bachelors degree and other specific duties but they have no degree and do none of the specific duties.


  22. Interesting comments!

    Perhaps he was just celebrating his drinking buddy's imminent landslide election?

    Perhaps not?

    Will be interesting to see how new mayor reacts.

  23. Drinking and driving should be legal.

  24. it is legal for govt employees


  25. January 30, 2016 at 1:54 PM

    The Daily Times does suck. How many buddy's of Jimmy Boi have been hired?

    Sarah Meyers - Poplar Hill Mansion
    Chris Demone - City PIO
    Ben Rayne(wife of Sarah Rayne) - NSCC Code Officer
    Julia Glanz(gay friend) - Assistant City Administrator
    John Dru Bragg(fired firemen) - NSCC Housing Supervisor

    Can anyone else name some other cronies of Jim's that shouldn't have been hired?

    Are you paying attention Daily Times?
    Are you paying attention Greg Bassett?
    Are you paying attention Phil Davis?

    Obviously our new Mayor Jake Day does not care!

  26. Monday, April 20, 2015

    Democrat Club friends and campaign workers that Jim Ireton has hired

    Anonymous said...
    So if I am a Democrat and I worked on Jim Ireton's campaign that I am entitled to a job in the city?
    April 20, 2015 at 12:16 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Like her or not Lore Chambers had more experience running a city than all of these clowns put together.
    April 20, 2015 at 12:17 PM
    Anonymous said...
    I remember her from Salisbury University. She is the mouth of The Lower Shore LGBTQ Coalition, Inc.

    These people aren't fighting for Homosexual rights they are forcing their lifestyles down our throats and demanding "Equality."

    Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and QUEER

    These people have a serious mental illness.
    April 20, 2015 at 12:55 PM
    Anonymous said...
    ALL of the Mayors liberal friends killing Salisbury and America Hopefully jake day runs for Mayor or a Republican.
    April 20, 2015 at 12:56 PM
    Anonymous said...
    yeah glanz and demone were not the people recommended to be hired by the interview panels. jimmy went out on his own there.
    April 20, 2015 at 1:59 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Of course this is happening. It has been happening for generations. This is what the "GOOD OLE BOY" system is all about...it is just now being run by other ole boys. If you want to take down a system you must do it from the inside out. So if you have an agenda... get elected so you can hire your own people and shove it down the peoples throats like the old school boys did.
    April 20, 2015 at 2:29 PM
    Anonymous said...
    The insane clown posse.

    I want to beat Imclain to the punch on this one, "Keep on Cheering!" ;)
    April 20, 2015 at 2:35 PM
    Anonymous said...
    This is the easiest way to get ahead in America,work to get the democrat or republican candidate elected and collect a windfall!
    April 20, 2015 at 3:10 PM
    Anonymous said...
    All of these names make me sick.
    April 20, 2015 at 5:49 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Of course this is happening. It has been happening for generations. This is what the "GOOD OLE BOY" system is all about...it is just now being run by other ole boys. If you want to take down a system you must do it from the inside out. So if you have an agenda... get elected so you can hire your own people and shove it down the peoples throats like the old school boys did.

    April 20, 2015 at 2:29 PM

    So with your ignorant comment you are saying it's Ok!! What and A$$hole!!
    April 20, 2015 at 5:51 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Just keep exposing them they hate sunlight.
    April 20, 2015 at 7:55 PM

  27. Anonymous said...
    First offense. He get a special license to ONLY drive for work purposes. Wow. You people in Salisbury are a hateful bunch. What goes around comes around.

    January 30, 2016 at 2:49 PM

    Dru Bragg was the most hated person in the Salisbury Fire Department so let me guess who this is?

    A) Dru
    B) Melissa
    C) Jimmy
    D) All of the Above

  28. I wonder if Richard A. Hoppes with be at court dressed in his Class A dress fire uniform like he was for Jay Jester when he got busted for Attempted Murder Driving. Then Jay Jester gets rewarded with a promotion to Lieutenant and then Captain all at the approval of Jim Ireton.

    What a corrupt City Salisbury Maryland is, and you people thought Jake Day was going to be your savior.

  29. Anonymous said...
    I've said it once and I'm going to continue Tom Stevenson discharged from military for failed drug test hired by city failed drug test while construction crew foreman only to have Ireton make him code enforcement supervisor then city administrator. People how does a man even get hired after dishonorable discharge but two documented failed drug urines, how is this continued to be excepted and tolerated

    January 30, 2016 at 2:46 PM

    I would love to hear more on this story. Please expand!

  30. Anonymous said...
    City charter 4:2 city administrator must possess a four year degree from accredited college( not correspondence studies) and or 5 years business experience neither of which Stevenson possess. the drama continues why do the rest of city employees tolerate it especially the Stevenson fiasco how do you even get hired by city at all after dishonorable discharge for failed drug test then fail another while city employee only to be promoted to code enforcement supervisor then administrator. How many of the rest of city employees could get that kind of preferential treatment. Something should be done

    January 30, 2016 at 3:11 PM

    That's interesting because our Salisbury Fire Chief does not have a required college degree either. He did finally get a worthless piece of paper from a for profit, non accredited diploma mill and Jim Ireton and our new Mayor accepted him as the fire chief. And Jim Ireton and Jake Day made him the fire chief just to rub it in the faces of Debbie Campbell, Terri Cohen and Tim Spies.

    You idiots really screwed up.

  31. Anonymous said...
    City charter 4:2 city administrator must possess a four year degree from accredited college( not correspondence studies) and or 5 years business experience neither of which Stevenson possess. the drama continues why do the rest of city employees tolerate it especially the Stevenson fiasco how do you even get hired by city at all after dishonorable discharge for failed drug test then fail another while city employee only to be promoted to code enforcement supervisor then administrator. How many of the rest of city employees could get that kind of preferential treatment. Something should be done

    January 30, 2016 at 3:11 PM

    Can you post the link to this so we can all read it ourselves.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Crime what crime?? "Mayor" Day stated sand I quote crime in Salisbury is down " in the real world" is that some sort of negative prejudice dig at some of the neighborhoods within the city that are crime plagued and not in his little protected surroundings

    January 30, 2016 at 3:44 PM

    WTF are you talking about? You can't be dropping the race card over a corrupt mayor and twisting it to the ghettos consumed by black people who are committing crime! The thread is about a drunk drinking buddy and fellow Democrat of Jim Ireton.

  33. Anonymous said...

    Interesting comments!

    Perhaps he was just celebrating his drinking buddy's imminent landslide election?

    Perhaps not?

    Will be interesting to see how new mayor reacts.

    January 31, 2016 at 9:56 AM

    207 votes?

  34. Anonymous said...
    Thank you for the correction, I still am perplexed that this type of arranged job placement is permitted within city government

    January 30, 2016 at 5:38 PM

    You and I both!

  35. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like Mr. Stevenson has picked up more than one bad habit!! Seems like he figured out that if he moves any inhibitions and pride out of the way and gets right down to some real butt kissing he's been able to advance in a career with the city of Salisbury. With the extent of his promotions and short amount of time I'd say he's pretty good at whatever it is he's willing to do for promotions. It's somewhat disheartening he would sit back and watch what Ireton did to Ms.Chambers basically tried to ruin her life, Stevenson sat back like a snake and just waited to pounce on the opportunity. That's a real man there !!!

    January 30, 2016 at 7:46 PM

    You are spot on my friend, spot on. People like Tom Stevenson and Dru Bragg can't earn their positions, they suck up and capitalize on someone elses demise. Many times the initiated the demise for their own self gain.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like Mr. Stevenson has picked up more than one bad habit!! Seems like he figured out that if he moves any inhibitions and pride out of the way and gets right down to some real butt kissing he's been able to advance in a career with the city of Salisbury. With the extent of his promotions and short amount of time I'd say he's pretty good at whatever it is he's willing to do for promotions. It's somewhat disheartening he would sit back and watch what Ireton did to Ms.Chambers basically tried to ruin her life, Stevenson sat back like a snake and just waited to pounce on the opportunity. That's a real man there !!!

    January 30, 2016 at 7:46 PM

    Sounds like Tom Stevenson and John Bragg are 2 peas in a pod.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Automatic suspension for refusal to take test .

    January 30, 2016 at 8:27 PM

    Who refused to take a test?

  38. Susan Phillips isn't qualified either . No degree , no certifications

  39. Anonymous said...
    First offense. He get a special license to ONLY drive for work purposes. Wow. You people in Salisbury are a hateful bunch. What goes around comes around.

    January 30, 2016 at 2:49 PM

    You mean he has to blow into a special straw that will start the city vehicle?

  40. Anonymous said...
    One of the 3 administrative fire fighters riding around in a car all day doing nothing but wasting tax payer money can drive JBragg around at work.

    January 30, 2016 at 9:27 PM

    Who are the 3 administrative farmin riding around in a car all day long wasting tax dollars?

  41. TFC Smith: Mr. Bragg you are under arrest for drinking and driving under the influence.

    Bragg: But sir, sir I am Deputy Chief Bragg from the Salisbury Fire Department. Here is my badge. Sir, can I get a break, sir.

    TFC Smith: Put your hands behind your back.

    Bragg: But sir, I am friends with Mayor Ireton and I was the Deputy Chief, sir. Can I get a break sir.


    Wow! This idiot could have killed someone! I have a lot of friends and family that live out that way.

    Can someone send this to MADD so they can be there in court that day. This guy had a ranking position in the fire department and now in another department. What kind of leader is this. Good work Mayor Day.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Susan Phillips isn't qualified either . No degree , no certifications

    January 31, 2016 at 12:42 PM

    And she is a Department Head which requires a 4 year degree. To her credit she has a 2 year degree from Wor-Wic Community College.

    Of course a non degree'd City Administrator is not going to hold that against her. Smoochie Smoochie, wink wink!

  44. Anonymous said...
    One of the 3 administrative fire fighters riding around in a car all day doing nothing but wasting tax payer money can drive JBragg around at work.

    January 30, 2016 at 9:27 PM

    Rick Hoppes
    John Tull
    Darrin Scott
    David Insley
    Greg Hoppes
    Eric Cramer
    Tony Webster
    Bryan Lewis

    Which 3 are you thinking about?

  45. I hope name day is reading this . Salisbury is an embarrassment

  46. We have a mayor(Jake Day) that was driving while on a suspended license. Numerous citations were noted.

    A former Mayor(Ireton) that was drinking and driving a crossed the center line and hit someone head on.

    Ireton caught drinking and driving around Christmas Day. Previous post.

    Fire Captain rewarded with a promotion for drinking and driving.

    Former acting Deputy chief of the fire department, fired, rehired, demoted, drinking buddy of mayor, now former mayor.

    Same firemen above is a department supervisor at NSCC was appointed by Stevenson and Ireton busted for a serious DUI.

    Yes this city is an embarrassment. Jake Day will you please resign.

  47. Seems all is well in dabury.

    I can tell you one thing, If mr albero had won the election the city would not be in no were as pitiful condition it is now.He would have took care of business and cleaned house.

    So So Sad for the once great city of Salisbury.

  48. All the city employees that are not OK with what has gone on in the past and apparently still exists band together in numbers approach your cuty council and mayor and maje them address the issues and accusations. This information should be made public and situation rectified. There can't be a standard for a small few and the rest have to be held to certain standards and criteria. The situation will never get better if the mess at the top is finally made right and handled with some sort of accountability. I guarantee if you all start showing up at your city council meetings and refuse to except the business as usual that has run wild in your city government change will be inevitable

  49. Hey Stevenson if I were you I would either make a stand and defend my qualifications and credibility or resign. You look and act like a cat crapping pineapple. No job is worth that kind of stress just to feel or look important. If you can't or won't better yet willing sounds to me like there is more to this than we knew

  50. I hope this wont hurt Braggs chance of becoming fire chief when Hoppes leaves

  51. It sounds to me that no matter at what level of government federal to state to city and county it's all pretty much the same BS. How can we even have the nerve to complain we just keep voting them in and on the local level tolerate the abuse of power. It's sad but true that the one's that are truly qualified for the positions don't want any part of being involved with the system.

  52. Want to make a small correction on post salisbury city charter states that city administrator "shall possess" at time of appointment a degree from four year accredited university and 5 years busines experience not and/or. This requirement as city charter is written salusbury Maryland city charter section 4:2 city administrator appointment

  53. Stevenson doesn't live in city limits how can he represent the city ?

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I hope name day is reading this . Salisbury is an embarrassment

    January 31, 2016 at 1:00 PM

    Who do you hope is reading this?

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Seems all is well in dabury.

    I can tell you one thing, If mr albero had won the election the city would not be in no were as pitiful condition it is now.He would have took care of business and cleaned house.

    So So Sad for the once great city of Salisbury.

    January 31, 2016 at 2:36 PM

    You are correct. The first thing you do is clean house from the top down. Starting with those 2 queers the City Administrator Mr. Eye Candy and Mr. Glanz.

  56. Forget all that we have already come to conclusion Stevenson doesn't meet the business administration and years experience and no way fulfills anywhere close a combination of education/experience I want to see his military and prior disciplinary records while his previous employment on city's construction crew!!

  57. Anonymous said...
    Want to make a small correction on post salisbury city charter states that city administrator "shall possess" at time of appointment a degree from four year accredited university and 5 years busines experience not and/or. This requirement as city charter is written salusbury Maryland city charter section 4:2 city administrator appointment

    January 31, 2016 at 7:38 PM

    Please post the link so that we can look at that information ourselves. Joe so post it and if that is the case we need to make an issue of it. If that is the case then the Mayor and City Council clearly violated the City Charter. The City Charter is the law and you can't stray from that. The best way to reconcile that position is to relive Stevenson and Glanz of their duties. As a tax payer I do not want them representing me or my tax dollars.

  58. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey Stevenson if I were you I would either make a stand and defend my qualifications and credibility or resign. You look and act like a cat crapping pineapple. No job is worth that kind of stress just to feel or look important. If you can't or won't better yet willing sounds to me like there is more to this than we knew

    January 31, 2016 at 3:50 PM

    Tom Stevenson wears a long dress trench style coat like important people with money do. He acts like his sh!t don't stink and like he is important, but I have news for him. I know where he came from. I saw him going somewhere with the city attorney. That is to funny because an attorney is very educated and Tom Stevenson should not be the on the same level as a city attorney. Resign Tom because you are an embarrassment. Half of the city employees like Mr. Bragg are an embarrassment to this once fine city.

  59. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I hope this wont hurt Braggs chance of becoming fire chief when Hoppes leaves

    January 31, 2016 at 4:28 PM

    HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! Oh wait, that could very well happen in this corrupt city. That is scary!

  60. Anonymous said...
    Stevenson doesn't live in city limits how can he represent the city ?

    January 31, 2016 at 7:59 PM

    If Tom doesn't live in the city I have to agree with you.

    Where does Stevenson live?

  61. Anonymous said...
    Forget all that we have already come to conclusion Stevenson doesn't meet the business administration and years experience and no way fulfills anywhere close a combination of education/experience I want to see his military and prior disciplinary records while his previous employment on city's construction crew!!

    January 31, 2016 at 8:17 PM

    Please tell us more about Tom Stevenson. I knew he was on some low life crew as an uneducated laborer and he lost that job. Then I believe he had a job with Rental Equipment or some place like that before that other corrupt mayor Barrie Tilghman hired him and a department head. WTH was she thinking. He has no experience in life at all. Then comes the other corrupt gay mare by the name of Jim Ireton who had a man crush on Tommy Boi.

    Now if Jake Day doesn't correct this problem then we can conclude that he is just as corrupt as the other two mayors.

  62. I see all this negativity against Tom Stevenson so I'll simply ask, can anyone come on here and tell us what exactly Tom has done wrong?

    I get the fact that many of you don't like the way he got the job but he's been in there for at least two years and I rarely hear Tom has not performed well.

    I am NOT defending Tom. I simply want you people to come on here and say what you know Tom has done wrong.

    As for his job, getting the job is NOT tom's fault. point your finger at Jim Ireton, period.

  63. January 31, 2016 at 9:04 PM

    Um, how about him hiring Dru Bragg as the Housing Supervisor for Neighborhood Housing and Code Compliance, the department that he was the director. The City Administrator knows Dru Bragg and should have known that he shouldn't have been hired.

    What do you think this post is about. Tom is an uneducated person not qualified to run a city of this size without the training, education or credentials.

    This is how Tom was brought into this.

  64. I would have to agree the buck is supposed to stop with Stevenson how can a man being fired allowed to receive disability for injury and be re-hired in anitger city department not be the city administrators poor job performance. It seems as though the poor judgement on ethics in job hiring he is willing to keep it rolling on in city government protocol. Yea I think that falls under poor judgement and job performance and integrity

  65. It's Delmarva so he will be permitted to keep his job and all its benefits and in all likelyhood get away with it.

  66. Joe seriously, why did you have to interrupt with that comment defending Tom Stevenson. The momentum was moving on fast about the corruption in this city by hiring lame good ole boys like this drunk the story is all about.

    Why blame Tom Stevenson and you say it isn't his fault? It is his fault because he is the one that kissed butt and weaseled his way into this job position. You would have receive about 100 more comments if you didn't interfere. I can go back in your blog and find hundreds of comments where you have bashed Tom Stevenson. Let it go please!!

    As a matter of fact this article should go back to the top and it should be feature next Sunday as well.

  67. My my my look who your contact info is for the salisbury md ethics board. To file report any violations you have to contact the person everyone is discussing. How convient is that!!!

  68. Anonymous said...
    My my my look who your contact info is for the salisbury md ethics board. To file report any violations you have to contact the person everyone is discussing. How convient is that!!!
    February 1, 2016 at 7:11 PM

    Not sure what you are talking about? Where isthis info?


    Description: This commission shall devise and review disclosure forms, provide published advisory opinions, and make determinations as to complaints alleging violations of the ethics ordinance.

    Meeting Schedule: As needed
    Contact: Tom Stevenson

  70. Does anyone know the status of Dru Bragg and his position with the City?

    Has Dru contacted you Joe for a statement on this?

  71. Tom Stevenson is uneducated and not qualified to run a Kool Aid stand. What makes him deserving of a take home car. Why does he deserve a take home car? The racist mayor fired a black Asst. City Administrator and leapfrogged an uneducated male over her.

    Does Lore Chambers still have a law suit against the city?

  72. Has Dru Bragg or Tom Stevenson been required to take a drug test to be eligible for a city vehicle to drive anywhere?

  73. Does those clowns from Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance still carry those fake black wannabe cop badges?

    I wonder if Dru Bragg whipped out his badge and showed Mr. Trooper. Ironically Dru Bragg has always hated cops and thought that firemen deserved more than the cops did.

  74. What a complete lack of respect for the tax paying citizens to simply put a "yes person" like Dru Bragg and Tom Stevenson in a job that they know nothing about and can't function properly for the CITIZENS not the mayor. Just because you are democrats does not mean all of you don't work for the citizens. Here's a news scoop, you work for us NOT the other way around.

    Stop being a bunch of trolls and actually start working for the TAX PAYING citizens instead of the democrats. Actually demonstrate real concern. What a positive step that would be.

  75. This is Tom Stevenson's Resume/Credentials that were submitted to the Council for approval of City Administrator. It is very embarrassing and it is a lie because Tom Stevenson has not been with the City of Salisbury since 1988. He quit or lost his job with the city and as someone stated above it may have been due to drug testing. Either way this is proof that Jim Ireton lies, lied on the most important position in Salisbury next to the Mayor.

    City Administrator: The following names are being forwarded to the Salisbury City Council:

    Tom Stevenson, Interim City Administrator named May 16, 2013. Mr. Stevenson has been with the City of Salisbury since 1988. He has nearly 25 years of public service and he currently serves as the Director of Neighborhood Services & Code Compliance. Mr. Stevenson currently chairs the Neighborhood Services Task Force, serves as the Secretary to the Salisbury Historic District Commission and sits on various boards and committees, such as the Mayors Safe Streets Coalition. Tom serves on the Board of Directors for the Maryland Municipal League, is President of the Maryland Code Enforcement and Zoning Officers Association, and is a member of the American Association of Code Enforcement.

    1. Correct he resigned after his failed drug test while on city's construction crew. How in the world was he re-hired after this type of disciplinary action and to be given such a position is ludicrous. Everything about his employment and current involvement are nothing more than pre-meditated agenda for his and Ireton's plan to get him in administrator position. What a douce bag!!

  76. I wonder if Mr. Bragg even reported his DUI ARREST with his Supervisors?

    Can anyone confirm or deny?

  77. 83 Comments. I see that Dru and Tommi Boi have a lot of friends.

  78. WTH is a Drury? That's almost as bad as a Hussein!


    Mr. Albero here is the latest information on this case involving the former Salisbury Fire Department Assistant Chief who got fired and his buddy Jim Ireton forced the fire chief to hire him back. How in the world did this man get off on all of these serious charges. This man was so drunk he couldn't walk much less drive. He was all over the road and could have run over anyone or their children. He was obviously driving on the wrong side of the road and was a head on collision waiting to happen.

    And to top this off this drunk fireman has been seen back in Mojo's numerous times since his encounter with the Maryland State Police.

    You really should do a follow up story on this as this is something the public and MADD should know about. Who let this dangerous drunk off the hook Scott Free. This drunk is going to kill someone. This DRUNK had 5 serious charges on him and should have lost his license like everyone else. This guy didn't even get a slap on the wrist and should be exposed for it. Does anyone know the story on this case??

    Defendant Name: BRAGG, JOHN DRURY JR
    Address: E RUSTIC DR
    City: SALISBURY State: MD Zip Code: 21804

    Agency Name: BARRACK E (SALISBURY)
    Officer Name: SMITH, B



    Disposition Information
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: NOLLE PROSEQUI
    Disposition Date: 04/20/2016


    Disposition Information
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: NOLLE PROSEQUI
    Disposition Date: 04/20/2016


    Disposition Information
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: NOLLE PROSEQUI
    Disposition Date: 04/20/2016


    PDisposition Information
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: NOLLE PROSEQUI
    Disposition Date: 04/20/2016


    Disposition Information
    Plea: OTHER PLEA
    Disposition: NOLLE PROSEQUI
    Disposition Date: 04/20/2016

    Related Person Information

    Connection: DEFENSE ATTORNEY

    This DRUNK Salisbury Fireman got off Scott Free with all the charges on drunk driving DROPPED!!


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