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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A Viewer Writes, Another Bomb Threat. This Time In Ocean City, MD.

A viewer claims there's been another bomb threat, this time at the Ocean City Elementary. 

I can say I have been listening to a lot of sirens going on out here. We'll keep you posted.


  1. Greenwood De Woodbridge Elementary has had a bomb threat as well

  2. saw 4 state troopers flying down 50 toward west oc. very scary, but im glad the police are showing a good, quick response. even if there is no bomb, im afraid these past 2 days could be drills to see what the response is in each school district. wicomico has obviously failed its students, but looks like worcester is doing ok so far, they have alerted parents who are meeting at the firehouse as we speak. wicomico ignored it and didn't even make parents aware.

  3. Police are walking the Delmar Elementary School playground now. They are looking under safety cones and around playground equipment. This is not a usual activity.

  4. just got a call regarding Delmar El now

  5. That's what worries me 10:30. I've not ever felt comfortable since WBOC's FB was hacked with islamic radical stuff. Why little WBOC of all nationwide media outlets out there. I feel as though they are watching this area for some reason. Or are in this area.

    1. My theory is that this area is not only very Christian, Delmarva loves pork products. Think about it, sausage,scrapple,bacon, Taylor's pork roll. I think that's why they are attacking us.

    2. Practice for some worthwhile target.lol

  6. Delmar received a bomb threat as well

  7. Folks, we are now living in a "third world country" simply because morons elected a "third world leader".

    1. Don't know about you but I drank water from the faucet and my kids are properly clothed. 3rd world? Your an idiot.

  8. Right 10:59. Lawlessness is taking over because the criminals feel emboldened because the low information, low IQ, immoral people elect "leaders" like obama who lies and enablers this behavior. If those people had any morals themselves they would be ashamed of who they elect and support.

  9. LOL...11:19 you are an idiot....but I must be also because in a sad way I must agree....ha ha ha ha ha "The other white meat"

    1. I'm not an idiot! I'll have you know that I have 3 homes and many many luxury cars. I am retired and earned more money in my life than you could ever imagine. I'm a thinker who thinks outside the lines. How many luxury cars do you own, huh? Well?...... I didn't think so! HA!


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