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Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Message From Sheriff Michael A. Lewis

In the past seven days, Delmarva schools have experienced computer-generated bomb threats, also known as robo-calls. Some of these threats were made in Western Maryland as well. Today, Wicomico and Worcester Counties received similar threats along with Sussex County, Delaware, New Jersey, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Deputies and a certified bomb dog thoroughly searched Salisbury Middle School with negative results for any explosive device.

Like last week, I have met with and remain in constant communication with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in an effort to maintain a collaborative response to these threats. Today, I learned from the Baltimore Field Office of the FBI that they have now formed a Bomb Threat Task Force that will continue to work with local law enforcement in an effort to track down those responsible for these threats. The FBI will assume primary investigative responsibility for these cases. We in Wicomico County will continue to work closely with our federal partners to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and faculty members, while being mindful of our duty and responsibility to investigate these threats on a case by case basis. Decisions to evacuate our schools are not taken lightly. After much thought and careful consideration of the facts in each case, a joint decision will be made by the Sheriff’s Office and the Board of Education to shelter in place or evacuate the school.

It’s so easy to second-guess our collective decision regarding school evacuations when you aren’t privy to preliminary information. For investigative purpose, we cannot disclose all information learned during each of these cases. However, this information does assist us in making an informed decision as to “shelter in place or evacuate” a school. The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office will remain in Wicomico County Schools and work collaboratively with the FBI to carefully evaluate all relevant information.


  1. God Bless you Sheriff Michael A Lewis and all of our deputies and the FBI and the task force and all the others involved in putting a stop to this.

  2. It's about time little one. Fox News must be going to get on the story. Get ready to jump in front of the camera with your cammos on and talk the talk. We already know you can't or won't walk the walk.

  3. What a load of crap.

    Mike, your tail is between your legs but you are not man enough to admit you are full of crap.

    Regardless of what I say though, come election time, you wait and see how much it will hurt you when it comes to PARENTS recognizing you chose to play Russian roulette with their children.

    You can CLAIM I don't know the circumstances and everyone here knows just who you are talking about, since I am the ONLY one who challenged you.

    The circumstances are as follows. ONE, robo call. TWO, individual call. BOTH of which you evacuate.

    HOWEVER, you have to actually be IN TOWN when it goes down and from what we heard you were not in town and once again on one of your training seminars out of state.

    So you come home and now all of a sudden you want to come out publicly acting like you now care. It took what Mike, "SEVEN DAYS" for you to finally speak out. Funny, IF you had been in town you would have been in front of the cameras saving the world, just like Superman.


    1. You won't say that to his face or on the radio tommorow am.

    2. Really Joe? I love people who have the guts to do this but not fully understand the job this person has to do. He is the first law enforcement agency to speak out on this because we have heard nothing from Delaware. It just seems like someone is having fun with technology but the FBI needs to be involved with this. Instead of criticizing why don't you help out

    3. I know what Joe is saying. The statement made is total BS.
      They don't know who is doing it. They don't know if they're connected
      They don't know where its coming from.
      Worst of all they don't know which ones real and which ones fake, but their going to flip a coin and decide if your children stay or go.
      I know the kids cant keep having school disrupted. The decision on how to address these if they cant be traced needs to come from higher up than Mike, but that statement is total BS that I bet the FBI wrote for him.

  4. wow joe did you hold anything back

  5. Mike Lewis could care less! He's a joke along with the entire Sheriff's dept.

  6. Amen Joe. Truer words have never been said. Bless you for stating the facts even though the public will not believe you I too know the truth and hope one day the facts will surface on just how Mike has fooled and lied to EVERYONE. Starting with his wife all the way down.

  7. Everyone is quick to jump on Obama when he goes on vacation or is on vacation on our tax dollars and something happens and he just continues with his life like Americans don't matter. Isn't Mike doing the same thing? He is worried more about making more money elsewhere, while he collects a paycheck from the county tax payers, than he is with keeping our kids safe.

  8. I have a friend that will challenge the Mighty Midget come Relection and Ps other than the Brown noses in management they ALL hate him.

    1. Heard Martin. A. Fisher the President of the F.O.P is running next term. Should hear the crap that guy talks on Lewis. Better hope Lewis wins that one if so. Talk about a worthless and corrupt piece of turd!

  9. #:53 pm....I tell you who is a JOKE and JERK in the Sherriff's Department is the CLOWN "Barnie Rubble looking" Sherriff who works the Courts serving Domestic Civil paper-work in his NEW SHERRIF CAR...

    He abuses his authority and even denies paperwork to persons who been FOUND NOT GUILTY by the Courts in Civil matters...

    Guess that pisses him off that he cannot place you in Cuffs...

    KARMA always goes around....Better pull him up Mike Lewis ...

  10. Don't sugar coat it, Joe! Let him have it!

  11. 3:50, Yes, I saved some for tomorrow.

  12. To all you nay Sayers why don't you run for Sheriff and show us all how easy it really is. The man lives in a fish bowl. I will say some it over his conservative views that Fox gave him a national audience to speak to. Mike Lewis did not hide behind the anonymous button on his computer like most of you jelly fish. Joe that is where I give you props as well you put it out there like it or not.

    The Sheriff make decisions none of us have to make. They will not always please the masses that is why he is the Sheriff. It is funny how the public continually states "you work for me". As a twenty-six year cop NO I do not work for you. I work to protect you from people willing to commit a crime against you. I work the Government that signs my check every two weeks. That goes for those in the military as well. They to work for the Government. We do serve and protect the Constitution of the Untied States of America and the people it represents.

    This liberal agenda to beat down the police is old and tired. It is a very small minority that believes this rhetoric. Joe your posts show this is true. Most Americans support emergency services and the military. The bottom line is if you violate the laws then you have to deal with the system as imperfect as it may be. It is America's system.

    As for Sheriff Lewis and his travels to speaking engagements I believe he made it clear when he ran for Sheriff that would be taking place. Lewis never hid the fact that he was and still is in demand to speak across the nation. The staff at his office is capable of running the show in his absence trust me. Lewis like all elected officials still has the right to speak his mind on any issue and again if you do not like it do not vote for him. The polls show the majority of the public still support his efforts.

    To those that attack his family you are without a doubt some of the biggest cowards on here. Sign your name state the facts. Joe I would think you would not allow post that attack a man or women's family. Sorry Joe you are going to a new low when you do that. Elected officials have thick skin and expect to be under scrutiny. When you let these anonymous cowards attack the family they should state the facts and leave a name. Walk it like you talk it.

    There is a policy that prevents me from posting on your site if not I would be happy to sign this post. I think you know who I am.

  13. 4:18, Are you trying to suggest I'm afraid of Sheriff Mike Lewis? Mike Lewis puts his pants on the same way we all do every day. Mike Lewis is still working, while I retired 14 years ago. Mike Lewis is not superior to me and proved so by not instructing his staff to evacuate CHILDREN from a bomb threat and even continues to suggest he may keep them in school if it happens again in his press release.

    OK Mike, you suggest we all don't know the circumstances and why that decision was made. Do you really think all these parents are stupid enough to follow you like a puppet on that statement? OK, the ONLY other reason you would keep the students indoors is if you had it on incredible information that a sniper was outside ready to shoot children and that was NOT the case here.

    In fact, wouldn't you have to be in Wicomico County to make such a statement, when in fact you were not. Yeah, you aren't privy to give such information because you were in another state. I love how you pass the buck with the BOE to shelter in place. WHO'S THE SHERIFF, Mike Lewis or John Fredericksen?

    Finally, is crime UP or DOWN in Wicomico County since Hunter Nelms retired??? MILLIONS of people want to know the answer to that Mike.

    1. Mike will be listening tomorrow,I am sure.

  14. 4:42, Yes, I have a pretty good idea who you are and thank you for your comment. While I do not moderate all comments here, I only see one comment that barely mentions Mike's Wife and I'm sorry, if either of them can't handle that comment he needs to find another job. I believe we're talking about 3:57, correct?

    Paragraph one, Mike is a jellyfish. Ask him who helped write Grandma's speech. He did in fact hide behind anonymous. Mike refuses to let SBYNews in on press releases. While we now garnish the largest audience in media on the Shore, he's a coward. He's afraid to be challenged.

    Paragraph two. I don't come off with the, you work for me crap. I don't have to. As I stated earlier, Mike is not my superior. While I used to respect his leadership, he isn't LEADING and don't feed me that crap he has to make decisions that won't make everyone happy. Remove those children from GROUND ZERO if there's a bomb threat, OR, come back telling all of us you blew the brains out of a sniper across the street. ONE OR THE OTHER.

    Paragraph three. Whatever.

    Paragraph four. He never made it CLEAR to the voters he would be traveling to outside engagements, so stop the BS. In fact, most talk about how he is rarely in his Office any more. You said, "The staff at his office is capable of running the show in his absence trust me." The VOTERS didn't elect his STAFF. However, thanks for letting everyone know that it is everyone else running the show there. The polls show... what a load of crap, WHAT POLLS?

    Paragraph five. I addressed this in my first statement. It's a shame the Sheriff is so scared of me he won't allow his people to be real men, (with all due respect). However, don't criticize ALL of the anonymous people out there who are just as afraid of retaliation as you are.

    Yeah, if I get pulled over in Wicomico County I can probably expect a toilet paper roll of violations, I get that. However, what kind of MAN would I be if I didn't speak everything everyone else is thinking but are too afraid to say it. Mike should learn to RESPECT my position and not be so scared.

    Then again, I have said this a thousand times to Mike Lewis, you need to learn to "agree to disagree". When you are too power hungry and think you are the shiz, well, then you have to have a staff that will spend their day saying yes sir Mr. Mike and when he turns his back their throwing up the middle finger.

    Yeah, I know, there's a few people out there that would do the same to me, I get it.

    1. Run for Sherrif big guy.

    2. The cops all hate him I know because my family member is on the job he is a pos.

  15. Sheriff Lewis should paint his MRAP yellow and drive the kiddies to school.

  16. 5:28, Now that's funny. Can you just imagine me walking around with a gun on my hip.

    Anyhow, "big guy", tell Mike to run a Blog. You know, go up against ALL of the media and actually blow them all away.

    I'll have to think about that Sheriff thing though. Hmmm, free coffee, free donuts, free SUV, free gas, free phones, free clothes, free dry cleaning, free trips, free Harley, double dipping retirement, this could be a nice gig.

    1. Forgot that sweet collective bargaining agreement! That there is a ton of money saved and coming in. Could you imagine if Lewis was in an accident in his county vehicle while traveling to or from his appearances at the television studios? Almost full pay for God knows how long. We all know he would milk it forever knowing this is bis last term.

  17. Lewis Just screwed his deputies again he broke up good shifts and transfured several of his deputies to other squads wow what a little man he is

  18. Mike Lewis is nothing but another politician. He is out for his career. Honestly I thought this news blog was crap till now. Tell him Joe. Once enough people talk about it, he has something to say.

  19. I hope when everyone is done being angry and tearing down the police, Sheriff Lewis, the school board, school administrators, the governor, the media, Fox News, the POTUS, DHS, the FBI, the national guard and any organization that is devoting resources to find whoever is doing this they save some of that anger for the people responsible. Unlike some of you I have a child in one of these schools so for me it is personal. I can't say whether everyone is doing everything that can possibly be done but I am putting my faith and support behind the people we have in the positions they hold because in a lot of cases we the voters put them there. As for me, I am saving my anger for those who most deserve it. So you can continue to bash everyone and anyone you choose and I can guarantee you that will not help the process one bit, actually it is distracting. I use all sources of media including this blog to find out what I can and reading all the I hate Sheriff Lewis crap really isnt anything new. Lots of people hate him...great..good to know...they should make sure to vote him out...lots of people hate their boss so you either suck it up or leave, or wait for them to leave...you may not like it but the position that he holds allows him to transfer staff as he sees fit. How is that related to this? Try to stay on topic. The subject is bomb threats. Do you have anything to add that would be relevant to finding the people responsible? Or do you have any other information that you think concerned parents haven't heard yet? That's really why we would come here to read...is to find something out that we haven't already been told.

    1. He isn't my boss. I'm no Sheriff! And he disgusts me to the point I puke in my mouth at any sight or sound of him. I got a question..... How much did the county pay for a motorcycle officers leather jacket for him and his couple yes men? $1000 or better to roll in a Durango! I'd be happier to see the tank gone and some new Harley Davidson motorcycles in the office parking lot.

  20. Pga Steve you are wrong. Scroll down through today's posts and you will see there are at least 2 post just today from the Delaware State Police about the bomb threats at schools. The Worcester County Sheriff's office, as usual, has been phenomenal at keep the public informed on everything that is happening. Perhaps if you followed us more regularly you would know that we have been posting everything from all of the local police agencies unlike other news sources.

  21. 4:42 PM

    paragraph 6:

    you belittle us anon commenters but you don't post YOUR name? man just stfu already

  22. PGA Steve
    Worcester county spoke out last week.

  23. Sheriff Lewis put one of his older deputies back to road patrol after over 15 years off the road just because a caption and Lieutenant couldn't pin bogus disciplinary action against the deputy and the deputy stood up for himself this is just one of many stories we here from the deputies Sheriff Lewis uses " for betterment of the Agency" as his reason for transfers within the office with this particular deputy this transfer was clearly punitive In nature

    1. Lewis needs to be punished in the next election.

  24. Mike Lewis has a freaking MRAP for little ass salisbury..... I've been said screw that imbecile. I hope he chokes on his next vaction paid for courtesy of tax payers money. I mean when he does training out of state.

  25. Lewis maybe out of town "lecturing" but those captains and LTs are working hard chasing tail all over the county and Salisbury!!!!

  26. He should care about what his constituents think because he's an elected official. Perhaps instead of arguing with people about his negligence last week, teaching a seminar should not be his main job at any time, he should be figuring out a way to reinstate trust between his department and the community.

  27. People really ?? This is the crime of the century ??? Bomb threats are just that. Did the Uni-bomber call hiss victims ahead lol. Did Mcvhey call Fed Building in Oklahoma. Nope!!! Bombers don't call ahead. Those that bomb today plant a bomb and set it off. Then they have secondary devices in place that kill responders. Just like we do with our drones in the Middle East. It is called a double tap.

    The bottom line is you liberals that allowed these terrorist goat rapist into to this country are to blame. I wish you had Ohblahblah shoved up your liberal ass. We need to rid America of terrorist period. Look how tolerant the French where. You see what it got them. They have allowed Muslim Extremist into their country for years. They actually ridiculed those that did not except them lol Look no further than Detroit for you caller. It is the new American hub of terrorist. Thanks to Ohblahblah and company.

    So I get Joe's issue with this and I can assure you the F.B.I. could careless what Mike or any other cop has to say about this. It is being done nation wide. They are not 'TESTING" the system lol. As for bomb dogs you would need twenty of them for just this county if you want them deployed every time a bomb threat is called in. Yup that is feasible. Morons go back to watching C.S.I. and Criminal Minds.

    You weak minded mouth breathing Libtards are why this country is in the shape it is.

    Worry about real issues and stop blaming the B.O.E. and Lewis for all the problems in this world. lol HTFU.

    1. 20 dogs? That many bomb threats here? More hush hush crime stats huh? Mine should've never allowed this to happen when he got the call the feds were going to do this.

  28. 4:42, You don't work for me, but you work for the "government".

    Is that the government of the People, by the People, and for the People we read of in the Constitution of The United States of America?

  29. Culver needs to cut mikey's budget since he has no control over Lewis.

  30. This WILL be Lewis's last election.

  31. Trust me it will be his last election people in this town have had enough of him and I am a republican.

  32. Replies
    1. Just remember the alternative choices. Adulterers to murderers. Pick your poison.

    2. You must be a psychic on who is going to run against you Mike?

    3. 1102 and 1239: I am also a rebuplican. And I am not a fan, either, but I say again "hahahahaha, sure."

  33. I support the sherrif.

  34. I support the sheriff too! we all support the sheriff with our tax money! We also support all his minions that are screwing everyone's wives. What a joke!

  35. 10:18 Spot on!
    Sheriff "Cross Country Tail Chaser" and
    Captain "I'll show you my budget if you show me yours"
    Have you seen those two in action?


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