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Sunday, January 03, 2016

50,000 Food Stamp Recipients Just Received A Brutal Demand: Return To Work Or …

Among the latest U.S. states to enact welfare reform measures is West Virginia, which recently informed certain residents receiving food stamps that they will soon be required to meet new qualifications in order to remain enrolled in the taxpayer-funded program.

The state’s Health and Human Resources Department sent out a notification this week to Supplemental Nutrition Program benefits recipients living in nine counties. Effective at the beginning of 2016, the announcement explained, they will have three months to either land a job or begin a job-training program before their benefits would be rescinded.

According to West Virginia Bureau for Children and Families Commissioner Nancy Exline, the nine-county sample was chosen because of its comparatively low unemployment rate.



  1. Long over due they have ruined a generation or two.

  2. its about time. .we (the taxpayers) stopped allowing them to eat lobster and steak while we plan our weekly menu based upon whats on sale or in our freezers. How soon will this become effective in the other 49 states??? Trump should speak on this

  3. Will not affect recipients with children over age 49 or ones with disabilities. I wonder how much of a percentage that will actually affect then.

  4. this should have happened 20 years ago.

  5. It's not 'brutal'.

    It's the path to freedom from slavery.

  6. Now add mandatory drug testing done the right way. CDL holders are mandated for drug testing.

  7. Good for them - OK Maryland, why not here? Get with it and do the same.

  8. This will never happen, the NAACP will holler it is discrimination.

  9. It's already happened in Maine.. the food stamp rolls are down by about 80%.
    Working like a charm.

    1. Did they put them on SSI like Clinton did??

  10. Everyone deserves ----ONE mistake.

    The solution to stopping the Millions sent out
    to Welfare Recipients is simple to correct.
    All Birth Control Free.
    Give those who have the ONE child , raising them as a single
    parent, Welfare Assistance. After that------------
    NO MORE Welfare!!

    That will put an end to this totally
    "Out of Control spending " of Tax Payers money! Government Can
    fix the problem but don't seem to have enough sense to do so!!!
    they do nothing to correct the problems!!

  11. FINALLY! Its a start - what say you MD and VA?

  12. I think its a good idea to get people working for their money, but I feel WV is an exception to the rule. The state relies on the coal industry, but EPA regulations have forced the shutdown of mines and towns completely. No wonder those people need help. Google it some time and see. Just think if Perdue left, how messed up the Eastern Shore would be and how much assistance people would need then.

  13. 3:14 are you talking Social Security or Supplemental Security both are paid through Social Security Administration. Social Security is for those collecting SSI from paid in for working. Supplemental Security is for the lazy ones on Government assistance. There is a difference that people don't know about since they are both paid out of Social Security Administration killing the Social Security Funds. Clinton also started making Seniors pay tax on their SSI. Drug test before receiving a check paid by the receiver of check.

  14. The government want Americans to work their butts off until one dies so that YOUR tax money can go to all those illegal immigrants from all over the world coming into our country. These people start out receiving government assistance. That's were your money is going. We have so Many American born citizen suffering.And, you people are worrying about minorities receiving hand outs from the government.

  15. get ready for crime to soar, most of these people don't know how to work for a living, so they will come take what you have instead!

  16. 7:38p West Virginia is one of the few majority white states left. So the NAACP won't be screeching too much.

    I personally want to see my people set an example of self-reliance, independence from government programs and control, self-sufficiency and old fashioned work ethic and ingenuity. We're tough, creative and innovative problem solvers, capable of living in relatively peaceful, civilized and productive communities without resorting to becoming savages preying on each other.

    If ending welfare gets the lazy among my people back to a productive lifestyle, I'm all for it.

  17. 918 is right, there is no way they can wake up before noon and hold a job, they will find a way to support their habits and it wont be good for us, we are better off paying higher taxes and keeping the animals at bay


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