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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2 Richest People as Much Wealth as 1/2 the World

The world's 62 richest billionaires have as much wealth as the bottom half of the world's population, according to a new report from Oxfam International.

The wealthiest have seen their net worth soar over the five years ending in 2015. Back in 2010, it took 388 mega-rich people to own as much as half the world.

And the Top 1% own more than everyone else combined -- a milestone reached in 2015, a year earlier than Oxfam had predicted.

Oxfam released its annual report ahead of the World Economic Forum in the Swiss city of Davos, a yearly gathering of political and financial leaders. The study draws from the Forbes annual list of billionaires and Credit Suisse's Global Wealth Databook.



  1. What this doesn't tell you is, even if you taxed them all at a 99% rate, the proceeds will never put a dint in the our National Deficit.

    Instead of being envious and complaining of the 1%, put your energies into succeeding so you can be that 1%.

  2. Bet most are liberals!

  3. The new gilded age, complete with robber barons and serfs.

  4. 12:06. I bet you're wrong.

  5. This is wrong and the conservatives had better find a different response than trickle down economics or calling them "job creators"
    Capitalism is supposed to be fair, but the game is rigged, so in reality its not capitalism that we are practicing.
    You have a socialist with a real shot at the Dem nomination. He is telling the youth all the REAL problems with the country, but convincing them one by one that socialism is the answer. If we can not correct the course of this failing economy, capitalism will fail. Even though we aren't practicing capitalism at all.

  6. 10:11 it's not about taxing the rich more just take away ALL their taxpayer subsidies.

  7. They don't even include Nathan Rothschild


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