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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

You’ll Simply Be Outraged When You Learn What These Muslim Students Did

There are a whole bunch of parents in Australia who are thoroughly ticked off over this. About 30 or 40 students at Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School in Victoria, Australia were allowed to leave before the national anthem because it would offend them. They are observing the death of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Muhammad. The ‘mourning’ event takes place between October 13 and November 12 this year and during that time, Shi’aMuslims do not participate in joyful events, including listening to music or singing, during what they call ‘Muharram.’ It seems to me all these schools are going out of their way to observe every single Muslim holiday, but are banning Christians and Jews at every turn, saying that church and school should not mix. If these students are in religious mourning, they should not be at school at all. To dis the national anthem this way, is a sign of disrespect and they mean it that way. They only recognize the Ummah and the Caliphate, not nation states.



  1. Keep pretending islam is a religion, keep pretending muhammad was a real prophet, keep pretending allah is not a pagan moon idol, keep pretending muslims should be shown deference for the sake of their "religion." Remember all of PC pretense when a follower of "the religion of peace" approaches from behind, face covered by a mask, places a sword against your neck and lops off your head. Pretend, pretend, pretend.

    1. Its,a cult. Always has been ALWAYS will be!!

  2. Just why, then, are these people living in Australia?

  3. Jehovah Witnesses are excused from Christmas parties even if they are holiday parties and they are excused from saying the Pledge among other things every day of the year. It sounds like to me these Muslims merely want to be excused during this Muharram. All religion is crazy but I try to accommodate everybody. Despite its craziness it appears many people need it. It can be a source of both good and evil and we are talking about all religions here not just the ones you may not like.

  4. They are not banning Jewish celebrations to my knowledge.

    Just saying

  5. islam is a political movement cloaked in a religion.


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