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Friday, December 25, 2015

You have all heard of the "Cat Stuck In A Tree" story.......

You have all heard of the "Cat Stuck In A Tree" story, well that has now been given a 21st Century twist. SFD received...

Posted by Salisbury Fire Department on Friday, December 25, 2015


  1. B Shift will be upset it wasn't them getting a photo on the blog page. Good Job

  2. Idiots, the whole lot of them. The mother who purchased it, the child who flew it without supervision, the dispatcher who sent the crew out, and the firemen who "rescued" it. Simple idiots wasting the public's time and money.

  3. Black kids drones matter.

  4. Was the drone registered with the FAA as required by law? Of course not! Everyone involved should be fined. Are we going to follow the law or not?

  5. Why would any family use public services for retrieving what amounts to a kite stuck in a tree???? A toy, not a living being--kitten, etc. Even Charlie Brown had a kite stuck in a tree. What did he do? Got another kite, which got stuck in a tree. LIFE. Am I right? When a child drops an ice cream cone on the ground does someone call an ambulance?? Is there any common sense anymore?? Am I right?? Am I right???? As a parent, I would hold my crying child but never, never, never request public assistance in this case. After the holiday, I may contact a contractor. But again, as a parent, I would never, never, never request public assistance in this case. Please, the City of Salisbury should require reimbursement for these services. Mayor Day, I know you worry about your image, but you should worry about being a steward of the City's resources....like Mr. Culver is. Sounds like a dare? It is. If the City doesn't demand it, the public should. What recourse does the public have? Can anyone identify the people who thought this was a public service and not a drain on public funds? If the residents can't be held accountable, the person who made the decision should be. And if you think this is a holiday gift that should be given to this careless family, write a check. The City of Salisbury accepts donations to cover the expenses of their citizens who erroneously think they don't have to. Probably tax deductible, always a bad investment.

  6. Why do they look happy? Because the fire department saved their life - No, because they got something for nothing.

  7. For goodness sakes you jerks it's Christmas.
    The crew was getting paid anyway so what does it matter if they did a good deed. The kid looks happy, the mom does not. That is as it should be.
    I'm an old white Republican by the way.

  8. 1. Kid gets toy stuck in tree.

    Parents call fire department to retrieve it.

    Lesson learned: depend on the government to fix your problem.

    2. Kid gets toy stuck in tree.

    Kid learns to climb tree, waits until wind blows it back down, figures out how to toss a weighted cord high enough to fetch it, or asks neighbor with extension ladder for help.

    Lesson learned: carelessness has consequences,

  9. It was christmas day so I suppose it can be forgiven but lets not make a habit of this kind of stuff.


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