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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wicomico County Council Making Uneducated Decisions For One Reason

It turns out, many Council Members are CLUELESS as to items that are being brought in front of them at official Council Meetings because Council President John Cannon continuously keeps many items out of Work Sessions. Work Sessions are there to bring everything to the table and debate the details.

That's right, TWO of the main topics we brought up recently, Liquor Dispensary and Headquarters Live had NOT been brought up in a work session and decisions were made WITHOUT any real details. One such example, some Council Members thought the Dispensary was only asking for the shot testing once a year, NOT 28 times a year and not at every location. 

They key behind Cannon not presenting these items at Work Sessions is to keep County Executive Bob Culver completely out of the loop. This is yet another scheme for the Good Ol' Boys to get things through without the proper oversight. So when the TRUTH comes out and Culver refuses to participate, Cannon wants to make him look like he's always against everything.

Ladies & Gentlemen, even items like the City Council and Mayor appealing the recent 4 to 2 legislation is exactly why you need to really take your votes to heart. 

The City and County are throwing good money after bad money and it seems it's the same old people constantly connected. Same names, same outcome and none of them are in your best interest. 

I truly hope you people start respecting your votes more, especially in the upcoming Presidential Election. The GAMES need to end and the politicians who play them need to be stopped in their tracks. The mere fact that Matt Holloway didn't recuse himself in the Dispensary vote/support while his Father serves at the head of that department and sat right in front of him in that meeting should tell you, enough is enough.


  1. John Cannon is a big disappointment. But I understand he acted similar the last time he served as president and it was the courage of Gail Bartkovich that he got dethroned from the presidency of the council. John Hall or Larry Dodd need to step up and take the presidency from him. I for one will.never vote for him again.

  2. Oust his butt as the council president. It happened the last time he served and he should have never been in the seat again.

  3. Another of Cannon's problems is he thinks he is the smartest one in the room. He is a fool. Just because his Daddy made him rich doesn't mean he is smart. Unlike his twin brother who got a law degree, John played in college.

  4. canon is up to old tricks. He will not see a second term.

  5. I hope not. But he wants Culvers job. That is exactly what we don't need nor want.

  6. John Cannon is a spoiler and a trouble maker. He needs to go; SOON...

  7. Cannon the slumlord backstabber, he is gunning for culvers job.

  8. Bob needs to realize who his friends are and who aren't his friends. Loyalty matters and Culver needs to understand that. He tries to be a one man show. The problem is he is surrounded by sharks out to get him and they will unless he gets the right people on his team. His latest comments to Bassett on selling alcohol at the Civic Center prove the guy needs a handler.

    Really Bob - a redneck Mardi Gras. That is a comment unworthy of a County Executive.

  9. I just wish he would get a hair cut , he's trying to look young again , ain't goona happen. It's over , it's not the 70's .
    That stuff he is using on his hair is called "Just for Men " , live up to it , it's for MEN.

  10. John Cannon is a spoiled little rich boy who evidently is for sale to whoever benefits him most.
    Lets face it folks we have a bunch of country bumpkins trying to run a very large business and do not have a clue and are running it into the ground. Why do you think the population of gangs are taking over. All the good folks who work for a living are skipping town.


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