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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Why does NRA allow guns for terrorists?

(CNN)During this holiday season, if some of your loved ones are Republican, consider giving them the gift of a reality check.

I know there are plenty of sane Republicans out there. I've met some. In fact, years ago, I was a registered Republican myself. That phase lasted right up to the point where I noticed a new world order of haves and have-nots, with terms dictated by Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Nowadays, I stare at the party in bewilderment.

The latest mind-numbing puzzle: The GOP is blocking a law that would prevent known and suspected terrorists from buying guns.

This is not just a what-if scenario. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office recentlyreleased a report showing that from 2004 to 2014, people on terrorism watch lists successfully purchased guns no fewer than 2,043 times.



  1. Let's take it a step further , why do we allow known terrorist into this country and provide them with food , with shelter , with money and all the things they want?

  2. This is the caliber of "Professor" in today's academia. The writer is unaware that our system of government is a representative republic and not a "democracy". It appears the writer favors democracy, which is mob rule; Blaming "Republicans" and the NRA for crimes committed by maniacs. The writer must support the "POTUS'" favored methods of murder, i.e. droning and providing weapons to "moderate rebels".

  3. and yet people with non-violent 'felonies' cannot. double standard much

  4. heck, Teddy kennedy was on the terror watch list, and he was a senator

    oh and there are 70 or so TSA employees on that list

  5. Obama just signed a executive order banning all military vehicles for cops ? Wow that will show the Terrorist.

  6. 2nd Amend covers everyone right?

  7. A liberals favorite pet is a unicorn. I ask how many lives would have been saved if 10% had a ccw?

  8. "..known and suspected terrorists.."

    Here's the problem: the government can say they suspect someone of being a 'terrorist' (as defined by them), and then disarm them.

    Poof. There goes the 2nd Amendment.

  9. So if we had a Nationwide ban on guns, just like FRANCE, we wouldn't have to worry about terrorist attacks???

  10. The GOP is opposing this bill because of all the "junk" attached to it.

  11. What an idiot.
    You need the reality check.
    Look around, open your eyes.

  12. It's time to publish the Watchlist , for real let us Watch!! I want to know who a potential threat is .I am saying we could boycott any business association they operate .follow the $$$$.
    This isn't paranoid-vigilante thoughts

  13. If someone is on a "no-fly" list, then that database should be cross-checked when purchasing a firearm. If they are denied boarding a plane, or purchasing a gun, they have the right to petition the government for redress. No harm in taking the extra step, as it wouldn't affect but a very tiny handful of people that we'd want looked at carefully anyway.

    I doubt everyone on that "terrorism watch list" knows they are under scrutiny, and with good reason. If someone on that list bought a gun, that would be a huge red flag to put surveillance on him. That may be just the trigger that allows "other actions" to be taken, to eliminate the threat before it becomes reality.

  14. When they publish names and addresses of persons who have concealed carry permits then they should have to publish the watch list names and addresses. Then lets see how many attacks we have. CCW holders should not be limited in where they carry and should be allowed in all states with their permit. This will illuminate the soft targets.

  15. The terrorists were given the guns by a friend which was illegal proving dumb laws protect no one...Paris banned guns and they were able to smuggle them in and kill unarmed people. Think how many guns could be brought in from Mexico with our porous border.

  16. The NRA doesn't "allow" or "ban" anything.


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