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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Why Beretta is moving its gun factory to Tennessee

Beretta USA says Maryland's tough new gun laws are the reason it's moving its factory to gun-friendly Tennessee.

The American subsidiary of the 500-year-old Italian company has had a factory in Accokeek, Maryland since the 1970s. The company has manufactured the M9, the U.S. Army's standard-issue sidearm, since 1987 at that factory, which is about 20 miles south of Washington, D.C.

Beretta is relocating the factory to Gallatin, Tenn., in early 2016, because it's worried that Maryland gun laws could force it out of the state.

Maryland is one of several states that have passed new gun laws to restrict military-style semiautomatic rifles and high capacity magazines since the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, three years ago. These weapons have been used in subsequent mass shootings, including the recent one in San Bernardino.



  1. Hey, put Martin what's his name in the White house and Beretta will leave the Country.

  2. Glad to see them back up the threat of leaving. The entire law is a crock.

  3. It's a shame Governor Hogan hasn't been able to stem the tide. Certainly not his fault but would have been nice if he could have kept them here.

  4. Progressives are the real enemy.

    1. Progressives, give me a break! Call them what they are: Marxists! The whole, toilet full, bunch of them: Clinton, O'Malley, Sanders, et El.

    2. Agreed! There are no progressives. They are Marxist Socialists.

  5. Stupid A$$ Democrats are ruining this country. We need a new Revolution.

  6. Larry, are you listening?

  7. Don't corporations already have enough sway on the political system? Regardless of where you stand on gun laws, the last thing we need are corporations bullying us even more with the threat of job losses over a political stance. Wake up people.

  8. 5:56 you are an idiot. keep swallowing all that corporate propaganda they feed you on your idiot box! Would be nice if all those peace loving terrorists took out you fools then nobody would care! in fact we would welcome them!

    1. 6:28am Than you for saying that! I completely agree with your remarks.

  9. They real reason Beretta is leaving is that, under the new law, firearms can not be shipped back to the factory for repairs. I's a technical thing, but it's still a stupid law.

  10. Come on Hogan, get on this!

  11. PTL and pass the ammo! Have we had enough yet???

  12. Gov. Hogan where are you? Remember us gun owners that supported you, hello, Larry, Larry. Just like every other politician, silence.


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