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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Trump: Bill Clinton 'One of the Great Abusers in the World'

Sharpening his attacks on Hillary and Bill Clinton, Donald Trump proclaimed Wednesday that women "don't like" the Democratic presidential front runner – and called the former president "one of the great abusers of the world."

In South Carolina for his last campaign rally of 2015, the top-polling GOP presidential contender said Hillary Clinton left him no choice.

Hillary Clinton, he told the Hilton Head gathering, has been hitting him "really hard with the women card, OK? Really hard," Politico reports.

"And I had to say, OK, that's enough. That's enough. And we did a strong number. She's not going to win."

Clinton is "horrible," Trump declared. "But I'll tell you who doesn't like Hillary are women. Women don't like Hillary. I see it all the time."



  1. He is a user and abuser of women.

  2. and she has never seemed to mind

  3. This woman hates Hillary. You couldn't pay me enough to vote for her! But, on the other hand, I do have a brain. I read SBY News, after all.

  4. he is an abuser of women and his position of political power...the division of this country began with his election to the presidency...he and hillary started most of the turmoil that exists between political parties and the population


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