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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Treasury delays announcing who will be first female on $10 bill

The country will have to wait a bit longer to find out who will become the first woman on U.S. paper currency in more than a century.

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew had said he would announce a decision by the end of this year naming the woman who will replace Alexander Hamilton's portrait on the $10 bill.

But late Friday, Treasury issued a statement saying the announcement was being delayed until sometime in 2016.

Treasury said the delay will give the government time to "carefully review and consider a range of options" in response to an outpouring of suggestions from the public over the past six months.

Lew set off a furor in June when he announced he was replacing Hamilton's portrait on the $10 bill with a woman.



  1. We already have Alexander Hamilton on the $10. He has been there for decades. Why do we need a change?

  2. they should wait until after the elections.. hillary

  3. No problem. I will just ask for two fives.

  4. 7:24 AM - I have the same question, why does this need to happen?

  5. I thought the Constitution banned women from ever being on US currency.If one bible verse can substantiate an entire religion,one or more amendment can substantiate adequate reason to not put a woman on a $10 bill or any other bill.

  6. There will eventually be a national lottery to see whose picture will be on the $10 bill for a year. Tickets are, of course, $10 each. You get to choose between a current photo and your high school graduation photo.

  7. In the 1860s Nat­ive Amer­ic­an Po­cahontas ap­peared on the back­side of a $20 bill.

    In the 1880s and 1890s,Martha Wash­ing­ton — most fam­ous for be­ing the wife of George — ap­peared on a $1 sil­ver cer­ti­fic­ate.

    We can be sure that one reason woman have not appeared more often is because white men were doing the picking and lets face it there are only seven different denominations of US paper money. That does not leave a lot of opportunity for face time.

  8. Facts don't mean anything. Why bring up history that ain't true? I never seen any of them bills and ain't going to have no money with any woman on it. Don't want no women fighting in the army neither.

  9. 10:02...HOW DARE you talk about the Bible...I bet you own guns too????

  10. Nothing bettr to do police are at it again. DO NOT give me one of those bills. I'd rather all pennies.

  11. It will be Harriet Tubman. No way will it be a white woman.

    I'll be asking for fives instead of a ten, as well.


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