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Sunday, December 20, 2015

This map shows you where most poverty is concentrated in Maryland

Baltimore City and Somerset County have the highest poverty levels in Maryland, with each estimated to have more than 20 percent of residents living below the federal poverty line, according to new Census data.

The data reveal that counties with the highest poverty rates in the state are largely concentrated on the Eastern Shore and Western Maryland. Most counties in those areas had more than 10 percent of residents living below the federal poverty line.

The data comes from the Census' 2014 Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates program.



  1. No worries, we will be dark red soon too.

  2. Just look at the population. It doesn't take a rocket scientist.

  3. I thought Crisfield MD was the seafood capital of MD
    Looks like all the $ leaves town or------ go underground in the backyard

    1. Maybe you should invest more effort in thinking

  4. The highest illegitimate birth rates as well. Probably the highest school drop out rate and chronic absenteeism rates too which leads to the residents of these places not able to figure out if you keep making babies you will never get out of poverty. They have IQ's somewhere in the moron/imbecile/idiot ranges. You can't feel sorry for them any longer. If they can't figure it out on their own by now then then need to wallow and drown in the poverty.

  5. I have the solution to the baby thingy
    After one baby -----
    Agree to get fixed u know what i mean
    U get a brand new car that has a 100,000 warranty
    Free gas for 5 years ---max $3,000
    Free education ----max $4.000 a year for 4 years --- C average
    Free child care while in school
    Free housing and $1,000 a month for food etc while in school
    I am a conservative not a liberal!!!!!!!
    We have to stop the baby thingy

    1. I think 6:05 has you pegged.

    2. 6:28 those ridiculous ideas are not the musings of a conservative by any stretch of the imagination.

  6. The way to stop the baby thingy is to stop giving them free things. Don't feel sorry for their kids. They had no problem making the kid then let them buy the kid Christmas presents, school supplies, coats etc. Stop donating to these causes. Let them suffer the consequences of their irresponsibility and their sinful actions of making babies in immoral unions. Don't allow them in churches until they keep their pants on or get married. Jesus never allowed a sinner who kept on sinner into His midst. NO He did NOT! He laid down the law "go and sin no more" He said. Giving all these free things away to people is also a sin because you have become an enabler to a sinner and that makes you worse in the eyes of God.

  7. I think they tried that in Red China.

  8. Probably not a go in a Communist country

  9. Free things after the baby thingy gets fixed
    If not free things for the next three or Four babies forever
    Stop free stuff after number one baby
    This ends the cycle

  10. Baltimore and UMES - the two biggest liberal bastions in the state!

  11. 6:46 - stop giving them free things and stop giving them more money when the next baby comes along.

    They should be forced to make a choice while on welfare - or other programs...feed my baby or have an iPhone...feed my baby or have a beer...feed my baby or have 22" rims on my blingillac!

  12. 5:50 figured it out real quick!

  13. There is a prison in Somerset County.
    That brings a lot of poverty to the area.
    There are also a lot of migrants.

    1. The prison is what moves them from Baltimore to Somerset. Close that garbage pit.

  14. Somerset county was poor long before the prison was even an idea. Look at the records. Always been at the bottom on both economics and education.

  15. The Somers Cove projects reward poverty with free housing. It follows the philosophy of build it and they will come. Somerset County has a good ole boy government that rewards family and friends while everyone else suffers. The EDC director caters to industries that no other county governments would consider such as renewables energy that rewards a few while lowering property values and increasing energy costs for the masses.
    Business people need to be in charge so that the welfare of the county and its people will improve.

  16. I think the lower shore from Dorchester County South including the Eastern Shore of Virginia is in a severe economic depression. Manufacturing is for the most part gone, and what few jobs there are, are in the service sector like retail and restaurants. Most barely pay much more than minimum wage. But taxes keep going up while our homes loose value! Things are great if you are a school teacher or BOE employee!!!!

  17. 2 Thessalonians 3:10

    For even when we were with you, we gave you this RULE: "The one who is unwilling to work shall NOT eat."

    See this? The New Testament speaks of enabling here and many other places so those who in this misguided minds thinks they are paving their own stairway to Heaven and showing off for others as to how wonderful they are by "feeding the poor" etc are in realty creating their own paths to Hell. You are a mortal sinner when you help those who aren't willingly to trying to help themselves and making babies is NOT trying to help themselves. They need to suffer for their sins because experience is the best teacher and remember if you help them with free stuff you will find yourself burning in hell and the Bible is VERY clear on this because all you are doing is showing off.

  18. 8:24 and 8:25 must be a liberal and the same person
    Is that you John Grout or Jeff Smoot?


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