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Sunday, December 20, 2015

There’s A Boycott Brewing Of Sam’s Club Due To The CEO’s Anti-White Remarks, And The Company Is Doing Damage Control

Will you boycott Sam’s Club over this?

It was inevitable that eventually, white people would begin catching onto the epidemic of racial grievance and the victim culture, and begin acting in the same hypersensitive, perennially-offended way that other racial and ethnic groups have.

So when the black female CEO of Sam’s Club made remarks along the lines of complaining about the lack of diversity among the executives of that company’s suppliers, this was also inevitable

Backlash is growing for the CEO of Sam’s Club after she discussed her dislike for dealing with White men on CNN.

As Top Right Newsreported Sunday, the company’s black, female CEO Rosalind Brewerplanned to fire a supplier she met with because she was disgusted that his management staff had too many White males.

It was more important to Ms. Brewer that a staff be racially and gender diverse rather than the best people be picked for their jobs. A practice she admitted to CNN’s Poppy Harlow she practices herself.

In response to Brewer’s outright racism, thousands of Americans have gone online to announce they are canceling their Sam’s Club memberships, and the controversy is spreading like wildfire.



  1. They all do the same thing. They think they got there all by themselves when in fact it was the color of their face. Then they get full of themselves and the true colors come out. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AT ITS BEST.

  2. I won't shop there if she stays.

  3. I've been boycotting Sam's Club for years. They use deceptive packaging and pricing in an attempt to make consumers feel like they're getting huge deals. When in reality, the crap they sell is the same price or within pennies per ounce as crap you can buy elsewhere. Plus, you have to pay to shop there, their service sucks and there were never enough checkers. Plus, with the whole check the receipt and cart at the door routine, there was an automatic assumption you were stealing from them.

    So, I took my business elsewhere. I wonder, will it help to double boycott them?

  4. How did she become the CEO is the ? She needs to shut her damn mouth, do her job or resign. Take her protest to the street and collect welfare like the ilk she wants to be.

  5. Time to shop at B.J's

  6. I cancelled my membership years ago because of poor service and long lines at the few registers they would open. The company is known as a bad place to work and it shows in the quality of the workers and poor service. I now go to BJ'S wholesale warehouse in Selbyville. Better quality products and friendly staff. Not always the best price, but at there is not sales tax! Quality of the Food products and meats are better as well.

  7. I'm already sick of them. This may finish me off.

  8. Is there diversity in professional football or basketball?

  9. She should suffer the same consequences as she is a racist, it's time that it's equality for all races including WHITES. Everyone should be hired on ability and education, not because we need more equal numbers. I too hate the long lines and only a few lanes open. Maybe we all need to picket "White matters".

  10. It's ONLY racism when a white person doesn't. Blacks get everything free on the backs of whites and they ate the biggest racists around. They can call each other the N WORD all day long and they thinks it's funny. BUT be white and call them that and all of a sudden they get their feelings hurt. POST RACE!!

  11. She should be fired!

  12. "Double Boycott".Thanks for the laugh!

  13. Shopping is an addiction.I wish an alarm would go off at the door every time someone who SAID they would Boycott enters whatever store they SAID they would boycott.That alarm would be sounding continuously.Just the fact that so many people responded to this post proves how many customers Sams actually has.Today I double dog dare you to go there because you boycotted them.That's what I thought.

  14. I meeting with my lawyer tomorrow, this racist operated company has traumatized my family and I. I'm proud to be white.

  15. The place is a crap hole, and a couple years back they let alot of good employees go to hire lower wage people.BJ's is so much better and alot cleaner.I asked for a visitors one day pass and was told they don't do that.BJ's does.


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