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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The name Byrd Stadium is no more, but other UMD buildings have discriminatory namesakes, too

The University System of Maryland Board of Regents approved UMD President Wallace Loh’s recommendation Friday to rename Byrd Stadium as Maryland Stadium after months of discussion that the stadium’s namesake — former university President Harry Clifton “Curley” Byrd – supported segregation.

Loh’s recommendation included a five-year moratorium on changing names of other university buildings that recognize historical figures.

In its Dec. 4 report detailing the arguments for and against changing the stadium’s name, the Byrd Stadium Naming Work Group — which Loh tasked with looking into the name change back in September — noted Byrd Stadium is not the only facility on the campus named after someone who supported racial inequality and discrimination. The group suggested that “the campus might undertake a broader initiative to discuss and debate building names and university values.”

Here are a few buildings named after people who had ties to slavery or racial discrimination.

Francis Scott Key Hall:



  1. This is all bologna. They could care less about Byrd and his alleged racisim. They want money for the name. If they really cared and it was an issue they would not allow his name on anything. Furthermore, just how many complaints did they get? I bet it was less than 100.

  2. As politically UN-correct as it is, slavery is part of our history! If we hide it from our descendants, they will be doomed to repeat it...considering all those that are currently enslaved to the dependancy on government handouts - we don't want that history lesson lost!

  3. This really isn't right. Why would we want to re-write our history. What happened in the past was because of the 'culture' of the day. It takes time to change, but we should never try to erase our past. America isn't the only country that dealt with this or something similar. Some situations were far worse than ours. So, stop complaining and make your world a better place to live. Stop living in the past, because you will never be set free.

  4. 1:39 - and I'll bet the 100 were all PC rabble-routers - that shouldn't even go to college.

  5. Get over it already! This is 2015 and how many years later???? They are only keeping racism in the spot light and it won't go away as long as they do so.

  6. To name it Maryland Stadium is even more racist. They seem to forget that "Maryland, My Maryland", our State's official song, is dripping with racism and hatred for Abraham Lincoln for freeing the slaves.

  7. Maryland was a slave state from its beginning until slavery's abolishment in December 1865. Slavery was a government-approved activity, even providing direct taxation to the state treasury and having laws specific to slave keeping, trade and ownership rights.

    style="text-align: left;">Perhaps we should change the name of the state to reflect this abhorrent history, because when I think of Maryland, I think of little else but slavery.

  8. Knee jerk libtards at it again

  9. They have now started a trend to rename Government buildings removing Parts of MD history. Those involved should not receive MD Tax dollars
    whether it is salary or tax dollars, state or federal for loans / grants

  10. Kinda makes you miss the good olde days. PC madness is a communist libtarded ideal.

  11. What's next, changing the name of Calvert and Charles counties? Let's just call everything by a letter and number. County A, B etc. this is getting stupid.

    1. Totally agree this is completely stupid...so all across the country we are going to strip the names off buildings because we are afraid of the few people that have enough flipping time in their day to be offended over the names of buildings and streets. This country is full of a bunch of catered to coddled wimps. I am too busy working, paying my own way for every freaking thing we have and trying to raise responsible, productive, loving, respectful children to spend one minute worrying about the name on a building. But get ready for it because some fools may think that they have won something here but I assure you that this will backfire. Pretty soon we will have to do background checks on proposed names for streets and buildings what a bunch of whack jobs. My hope is that the loonies keep this up and go bankrupt making all these ridiculous changes and there is no more money left for entitlements.


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