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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Farce Is With Us


  1. Legal Insurrection. My second favorite blog. SbyNews is the first of course.

  2. This global warming crap is the biggest scam ever perpetrated.
    Global warming is a conspiracy created by the U.N. for global control and dominance.
    The U.S. needs to get out of the U.N. and the U.N. needs to get the heck out of the U.S.!

  3. Tell that to the owners of the ski resorts in the northeast right now.

  4. News at 11: Global warming is a scam.
    News at 12: Weather breaking weather: 70 degrees Christmas on the Eastern Shore

  5. Andrew Branco of Legal Insurrection was the one who broke the illegal knife in the Gray case. You know the one the SA said was legal in MD but the affirmative action in her came out and she forgot Baltimore City has it's own code. The knife is in fact illegal under BC code.

  6. uh, 75 degrees on Christmas eve?

    Also, the credible scientific data overwhelmingly concludes that there is global warming.

    Time to put away tin foil hats and look to credible peer reviewed science, and stop listening to people who are backed by financial agendas.

  7. The Farce is strong with this one. And that one.

  8. 8:55
    You are absolutely wrong! In fact there is NO credible science that concludes there is global warming in fact the RSS satellites that actually measure the earth have shown NO WARMING for 18 years.
    And you are the one who should stop listening to those with a financial agenda. The U.S. government has spent 70 billion dollars in the form of research grants to state run universities to try and tease global warming out of the data, but it is not working. Each time some government scientist comes out with some graph or study claiming anthropological warming, it gets big headlines only to be later debunked.
    NASA has gone so far as to change old temp records downward and recent records upward to try an prove global warming.
    Agenda? Ya there's an agenda alright, and its for the government to take control of every aspect of your life by regulating CO2 a HARMLESS trace gas.
    Look outside it's 75 degrees on Christmas and that proves global warming....really? You can't be that dumb!

  9. I, for one, welcome this lovely temperature variation called "climate change".


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