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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Ted Cruz Vows To ‘Utterly Destroy ISIS’ As President

Senator and GOP Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says, if elected President, he’ll take a page from Ronald Reagan when it comes to fighting ISIS. “We win. They lose.”

He then went on to say, “We will utterly destroy ISIS. We won’t degrade them. We won’t weaken them. We will utterly destroy them.”

In an exclusive interview on Breitbart News Daily, Cruz tells host Steven K. Bannon he’d start by using overwhelming air power. He likened the effort to the carpet bombing of the Iraqi army during the first Persian Gulf War. He called what Obama is currently doing “pin prick,” or “photo op foreign policy,” given the low number of air sorties a day – from 10 to 20. During the Gulf war the U.S. was flying as many as “1,100 in a day,” Cruz notes.

Cruz also said he’d arm the Kurds.

“They are actively fighting ISIS on the ground right now. They are having significant successes. But ISIS is using American military equipment that they seized in Iraq. The Kurds unfortunately are using outdated equipment and Obama refuses to arm them because of political concerns about Baghdad.” Cruz maintained the Kurds would act as “boots on the ground” but also said that to the extent further military troops are required “We should do whatever is necessary to utterly and completely destroy ISIS.”

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