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Sunday, December 20, 2015

State and city law enforcement braces for verdict in Baltimore

Maryland law enforcement officials have been in direct communication with Baltimore police as the city braces for a verdict in the trial against Officer William G. Porter, the first officer being tried in the death of Freddie Gray, state officials said Monday.

“The governor has been pleased with the level of communication between the state and city, especially with the new (police) commissioner Kevin Davis,” said Doug Mayer, a spokesman for Gov. Larry Hogan (R).

Mayer said Hogan told community leaders in Baltimore during a recent meeting that the state would be “hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.”



  1. When you have to brace for the verdict, then you CLEARLY KNOW WHAT THE VERDICT IS!!!!

    It just shows you, that what I say is correct always... They just pretend to push charges on these cops to get you dumb sheeple to shut the f up and it worked... They knew damn well they would not convict any cop for murder all because he has a costume and a tin shiny badge...

    That is ok cops, keep earning the hate and keep on wondering why people hate you and wonder why they want to hurt you and kill you... There is a me vs you mentality and you cops created it... When shit hits the fan and it will, you and your so called buddies in blue will not be safe and the populace will came for you first... Think about that... THEY WILL COME FOR YOU FIRST and your families!!!!!! BUT I guess all of this abuse is worth it right? all so you can laugh right?

  2. at BPD HQs staff of the Emergency Operations Center are walking around with special badges. metal barricades up
    inside the courtroom clerks and deputies have collected exhibits and taken them back to jury room
    clerks have collected jurors cell phones and deliberation to resume in moments

  3. Balto Co. has cancelled and/or postponed all field trips scheduled into the city at least through the end of this week

  4. Way to go Baltimorons. I will never again attend any major sporting event or even go to Baltimore because of all the liberal crap. Don't forget to give them space to vent. Typical thuggery

  5. Heaven forbid you ever went to a museum or anything cultural on the western shore.....

  6. Talk about needing a fence at the Mexico border , I'd rather have one around Baltimore , biggest zoo in the world.

  7. Clearly 8:47 there is ZERO evidence these officers killed anyone. Not putting a seat belt on someone does not equal murder.

  8. Stop the riots. The verdict is the verdict, like it or not. Use all force necessary to send the thugs back to their place.

  9. I know one thing for certain: regardless of the verdict there is going to be a cop car set ablaze, a store is going to get looted and people will be throwing things! Also, Mike Lewis will be on Hannity too!

  10. " Anonymous said...

    Heaven forbid you ever went to a museum or anything cultural on the western shore.....

    December 15, 2015 at 9:20 AM"

    Oh yeah Baltimore City is just a bastion of museums and culture! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
    Honey, I've traveled the world and if you think for one second there is anything of value to offer anyone in Baltimore City then you my friend haven't really lived. You are just existing.
    "Heaven forbid" you experienced real culture and quality museums. You would die of embarrassment over what you just stated.

  11. When these families get their handouts...errrrr, "settlements", are they immediately removed from government assistance programs, since their income is over the limit?

  12. "There is a me vs you mentality and you cops created it."

    Speak for yourself 8:47. FYI I have ALL the respect IN THE WORLD for LE because I was raised properly. It's a shame your parents failed you so badly. We call your type "from the other side of the railroad tracks" in other words you are from a trashy low class family and beneath me. So on that note, I'll end and you are dismissed. Do not bother commenting back because I'm done with you. You are trashy and gross and not deserving of even a second more of my time.

  13. @10:48 The answer to your question is yes. The settlement is to go to both Freddie's mother and father, so they must report to the various agencies they may be getting assistance from and it will be enough to put them over the threshhold-for awhile anyway.

    Gray's mother has never worked a day in her life. Just a fact in case anyone is interested.

  14. Any rioter should be shot.

  15. Nooooooooooooooooooooooot

  16. when they start burning the city they should start with section 8 housing

  17. The idiots should start with the city government building. A real city government would (after what they just went through) appoint cops with rubber bullets and tazers at every liquor store. Rubber bullets and mobile water canons up and down the streets for looters. Automatic 1 year jail time for all identified looters. Any one who burns a car, especially a cop car gets their car burned and their house bulldozed. Any questions?

  18. Suck it Libtards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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