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Sunday, December 06, 2015

SPD Press Release 12-3-15 (Robbery/Assault Investigation Centre At Salisbury)


  1. Welcomet o da 'bury - our crime is contained.

  2. What a surprise, two black thugs. I never go out at night around here. Too many thugs roaming the streets.

  3. Why anyone would even go to this mall is a mystery. The thieves are drawn to it like flies on crap because it's a no gun zone.

  4. Heaven forbid these thugs work for what they get. They would rather steal it from someone else.

  5. Don't worry kaptain Kaiser has you kovered.

  6. Fire the police chief jake.

  7. If she had a gun...oh wait, it would be in her purse next to her cellphone.

  8. Why doesn't the mall hire more security instead of depending on a police force that may be spread too thin? The mall security should be substantially increased inside and outside of the mall.

  9. The mall doesn't hire extra security because they don't want to spend the extra money on it and they know that it is just a matter of time before they meet the same fate as the old mall. Online is killing the brick and mortar store except for those few shoppers that still write checks.

  10. Duh 5:04. You win the dumbest comment of the day award. FYI-it would not be in her purse, Einstein. It would be on her in a holster.
    Are you liberals really this stupid? Huh? Are you? You have completely lost the ability to think. Unbelievable. Pathetic how dumbed down you have allowed yourself to become. Absolutely pathetic.

  11. 4:02 PM While I agree with your comment, there are just as many thugs roaming the streets during the day as well. So much for the much talked about, did nothing about curfew.

  12. Butt, Butt, Butt Jake Day and Jim Ireton say that crime is down in Salisbury. This place is scary.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Fire the police chief jake.

    December 3, 2015 at 4:40 PM

    Who is police chief jake?

    1. A new winner of dumbest comment of the day

  14. Wicomico Central just dispatched an ambulance and a fire truck to Light Street for a subject shot with a BB gun. Salisbury PD is on the scene.

    Paramedic 16 responded with 2 and Engine 16 responded with 6 personnel. The officer on Engine 16 is responding in the fire truck non emergency. Eight people from the fire department responding to a thug who was shot with a BB Gun??? What is the worse a BB gun will requiring 8 grown men from the fire department??

    And there is 6 people on a fire truck? How many paid firemen do they have? I thought 3 was their standard?

    Six people on a fire truck chasing the ambulance for a BB? WTH is wrong with that picture.

  15. WTF is a Twiter@Salisbury PD??

    You have a Captain Rich Kaiser getting paid nearly $100K per year and he can't even spell Twitter? Twitter has been out since 2008 and he hasn't learned how to spell it yet?? His lazy a$$ should be fired for sending out press releases with a spelling error that serious.

    Joe you should keep that copy and use it against them!!

    1. I'm sure he knows how to spell twitter, prob just a mistake relax. And what's Joe supposed to do with something that a person misspelled twitter in? Really now?

    2. Why should we relax when our tax dollars are being spent on a law enforcement function that is nothing more than the punchline of a very bad joke? They are ineffective, incompetent, and overpaid.

  16. 6:02 I'm sorry to upset you but my wife is 5'7 and 110lbs. Very difficult for her to CCW even if she had a permit. Guessing your better half could pass for a WWE wrestler and hide a .454 hogleg under an udder. Look up the statistics on females that carry. The majority use a purse with concealed holster. BTW, both of us are beyond name calling as a way of trying to gain the upper hand in a debate. We both got beyond secondary school and then some.

  17. 6:02 - You are rude and you need to get a grip on your bad attitude.

  18. It's simple,if they are too cheap to protect their customers then we as consumers need to stop shopping there.End of story.

  19. 7:27-It would not be difficult at all for a 5'7" 110lb woman to carry.
    5'1" 100 lbs and PM9/ crossbreed microclip.
    A G19 in a comp-tac infidel waistband holster.
    Special clothing is available with built in holsters like running shorts and bras. They do make special pocketbooks with easy to get to built in holsters. I know of a few woman who carry and I can assure you, none just toss the firearm in their purses.

  20. Not a surprise after what I saw there Sunday. Two Salisbury City PD officers and 2 Mall Security guards standing in front of Dick's chatting it up, we walk through the mall nearly to other end and back and those same 4 officers hadn't moved more than 25 feet and still just a chit-chatting, not noting anything going on around them.

    I told my fiancée' that night, what good are these guys? Shouldn't they be spread out so they could respond more quickly, and also cover more ground to notice anything suspicious?

    1. Exactly! How are they projecting a presence when they are huddled together like a heard of pigs? SPD is a joke.

  21. 6:02 and 7:27 Is that you,Evan? Wow, you are so knowledgeable and wonderful. Five yourself a pat on the back.

  22. This is the one in three that is actually reported at the Centre.

  23. The sad part is that the Food Court parking lot is by far the most crowded parking lot at the Mall.

    This just goes to show how brazen our criminals in D bury have gotten. Its not like they waited in a more quiet parking lot to rob someone. Also in this crowded parking lot no one saw this and tried to help ?

    Salisbury is becoming more of a hell hole every day.

  24. 10:03 Is that you Mike Lewis?

  25. 7:00 am, do you mean "herd" ?

  26. Well I heard awhile back a lady on TV who carried talking about how if you picture the small size and weight of a can of cream of mushroom soup that's about the size of the gun including holster she uses. She said the 2 together w/the gun loaded didn't weigh much more than a pound. She was tall and thin. Could have been a super model.

  27. I bet the light skinned ones mom was white. I am going to get a gun tomorrow before shopping. Thats right, i have to wait, how long... for my background check, but i work everyday for the state. How many damn background checks do i have to take to protect my self.


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