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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sheriff Mike Lewis On Fox News

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“Millions of dollars of damage had been done to Baltimore City, and not one of those individuals has been held...
Posted by Fox News on Thursday, December 17, 2015


  1. Awesome job Mike!!! From THE ENLIGHTEN ONES...

  2. lol...what did we all say, Mike just wants the camera time.

  3. Sheriff, how about you talk about Salisbury/Wicomico County instead of judging those 150 miles away? 1. Salisbury could really use it and 2.You might have good points, but let's face it; you aren't a Baltimoreon and are certainly not someone who has a vested interest in Baltimore.

  4. Awesome Job Mike Lewis OUR SHERIFF.


    People get over yourself.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sheriff, how about you talk about Salisbury/Wicomico County instead of judging those 150 miles away? 1. Salisbury could really use it and 2.You might have good points, but let's face it; you aren't a Baltimoreon and are certainly not someone who has a vested interest in Baltimore.

    December 18, 2015 at 11:36 AM

    Hey Bozo, you are clueless and by the way it is "Baltimoron."

  6. 1149-I'd rather have a sheriff who excels at his job, than one that excels at being a talking head on TV. But that's just me.

  7. Great job Half-pint!

  8. Air time, or not, Lewis is a true American. This interview took place at 10:30pm....how do you know he wasnt at the office all day before that? Im glad we have someone that isnt afraid to speak up in a forum where people will listen.

    You guys are just haters and jealous for some reason. If you can protect us better than he has done, by all means get up off your arse and do it!! Otherwise, just stfu.

  9. You guys are just haters and jealous for some reason. If you can protect us better than he has done, by all means get up off your arse and do it!! Otherwise, just stfu.

    December 18, 2015 at 12:32 PM

    hell yes. we all can protect OURSELVES way better than mikey or any other copper. unless of course we are attacked by a tv camera then he might excel.

    we are not jealous of mikey or even hate him. we are just tired of lies and being manipulated, or attempted to be.

    he says he supports our 2nd but in his video he threatens the guy with one of 'his guys' pointing their guns at him or anyone who walks around with with a weapon, legally or not.

    screw him and his petty little minions who can not think or reason for themselves.

  10. 1232-His job is Sheriff of Wicomico County. Galavanting on Fox News isn't his job, and does nothing to help our county, which employs him.

    1. Doing a few interviews is certainly not galavanting. The interview took place at his office, and was at 1030pm. I would add that he is helping our county, and our country. Why dont you run for sheriff if you have all the crime fighting techniques and know how to make Wicomico County better? Because, youre a keyboard warrior living in moms basement screaming for THE MEATLOAF!!!
      Fact is, Lewis is a true American. Dont hate him because he makes more money than you.

  11. @1:08

    What is your suggestion to make it better? Do enlighten us?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What is your suggestion to make it better? Do enlighten us?

    December 18, 2015 at 3:09 PM

    you SHOULDN'T need to be enlightened. but I realize common sense is not so common so let me help you.

    granted we have been conditioned to rely on the police for our 'protection' (which is a misnomer), but the fact of the matter is we are ultimately responsible for our own safety.

    come out from behind your closed doors and behind your curtains and be the men God made you. stand up for yourselves, your families, your communities.

    there is a famous quote I will use here, "For evil to triumph, good men have to allow it and do nothing to stop it". ( I added a little to it)

    It's just that simple. Band together if you have to, but confront the bad things you see happening. I'm not saying put yourselves or anyone as risk, (life itself is risky) but just calling 911 and HOPING someone shows up, much less on time, just does not cut it.

    If you want better lives and communities, you have to be willing to work for it. Running into your houses and locking your doors is no solution. Get a few friends in your neighborhoods that will back up each other and help.

    No gun battles are necessary. Just let them know that they are seen and you don't want them there. It may take awhile but sooner or later the message will sink in and they will move on.

    And maybe, just maybe, when the police see citizens taking some action THEY will step up to the plate and be more helpful. But if you guys don't care, chances are the cops don't care a whole lot either, especially when they live in other towns and neighborhoods.

    Hope that helps.

    1. So let me get this straight....you want us to stand up and police ourselves? Stand up for what is right and just?

      Yeah....about that. I am one of the most outspoken people you will meet. I have a Maryland concealed carry permit. I enjoy the protection the police provide, even though you do not. I also know what response times are. I know you think you are smarter than everyone else, but let me point out that what you are saying the rest of should do, is exactly what Mike Lewis was doing....standing up for his community!

      Oh and by the way....dont talk to me like Im an idiot. Im not the one whining about our Sheriff doing interviews with the media.

  13. Oh and by the way....dont talk to me like Im an idiot. Im not the one whining about our Sheriff doing interviews with the media.

    December 18, 2015 at 7:03 PM

    well I wasn't talking to you like you were an idiot but after reading your insecure post I have changed my mind. And I certainly hope you don't have to use that concealed weapon with the mentality you display.

    But for the other REASONABLE men out there what I said still stands and I hope you have more understanding than this passive-aggressive person.

    1. Tell me what youre doing to better your community?

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Tell me what youre doing to better your community?

    December 18, 2015 at 9:29 PM

    not engaging idiots. just sit in your recliner and enjoy your police protection. keep believing what you are spoon-fed and everything will be hunky-dory. goodbye.

  15. Anybody want the link for a petition to have him impeached with this discription: We need to call for the impeachment of Mike Lewis from his position of Sheriff. He has been dishonest on numerous occasions including an occasion on national TV. He has supported police brutality. In a police brutality case he was quoted as saying "He (the victim) would have been a lot more banged up if it were me." He is more focused in being on TV and in the media then he is on helping his own county and community.

  16. 9:29 moving so that Salisbury, Wicomico County will have one less law-abiding citizen to complain about crime that won't be changed in a world ran by liberals.

  17. Mike is voted, let your votes count. However, culver can make Mike get with the program through his budget. But culver lacks any leadership or control over his department heads.

  18. Joe why don't you run for sheriff?


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