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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Police Chase In Salisbury Ends In Major Accident On Rt. 13

We've been informed Police were chasing a white vehicle on Rt. 13 North bound who attempted to go through a red light near or at the Home Depot/Sam's area in which 5 vehicles collided. Information is still coming in and we'll try to keep everyone updated. 

We're told there's a major backup on Rt. 13.

We're told it was a female driver they were chasing. Vehicles are now backed up well past the car dealerships on Rt. 13 and vehicles cannot exit the Home Depot area. 


  1. Bet Dope was inviolved coming outa Dabury

  2. I came up on it heading south. There was a pickup on its side in the intersection. It looked pretty bad.

  3. I was in wendys and one of the employees ran out after he saw the accident to help a guy trapped in a car- he had to break a window to get him out.. When the guy came back in i heard a woman -boss? Not sure- tell him he was wrong to leave the restaurant to help.. Thats whats wrong with america... WTH?

    1. You are exactly right! People helping people should always come first. Maybe this guy should be in the leadership position at Wendy's.

    2. In regards to anonymous 6:18's comment that's just wrong. If that managers family was in one of those vehicles she would want every single employee of hers out there helping. It's a crying shame that you get reprimanded for helping people obviously in need, and possibly saving their life. That wendys should be boycotted. And that woman would be fired if it was up to me lol

    3. 618 what did he use to break the window and what window?

    4. I was also in the wendys and that is not what happened or what was said. She just asked where he was because she was in the back and came out with register drawers and no employees were in the store and there were customers waiting. She washed her hands, and helped them by herself because everyone else left. If I were her, I would also want to know where he was (his shirt indicated he was also a manager).

    5. I would of course want to know where people are but I would also be grateful that I had an employee that cared more about a person hurt than hanburgers and when I saw he went out to help Inwould be grateful that if something went wrong inside the wendys that they would be the first person in action.. Crazy we dont commend him not demean him...

  4. 5:27 pm. should be otta daybury

  5. Why does everything hafta be about dope? Yes, its a huge problem around here but because someone runs and wrecks it just has to be a junkie? Hell, it coulda been someone having a stroke/heart attack and ran the light because of that, by this article nobody knows...Grow up...the main concern should be if everyones ok...was it a friend or family member trying to do their Christmas shopping and got plowed into? There should be more CONCERNS than making ACCUSATIONS, just sayin...hopefully everyone involved is ok.

  6. It was a a shoplifter

  7. 8:03 pm

    Read the article. The vehicle was involved in a chase. If the person had a heart attack or stroke, a chase will not happen.

  8. I have such an urge to go into that Wendy's and ask who the hell said not to go help and if it was the manager then an example should be made of him/her. I certainly hope that people don't start getting the Benghazi syndrome and ignore the pleas of people in dire need! Sorry if that offends anyone but you can't fix stupid!

    1. Again, what was said about the Wendys worker isn't true. I was there and heard everything. She came out confused about what was happening because customers were mad and kind of yelling at her. Once she found out what happened (seemed she was in the office counting money when it happened), she began asking about those involved. She was not yelling at him. She was just confused, as we all would be, because nobody was in the store and she was yelled at. She never said not to go help.

  9. Dope or no dope. Police have no business chasing people or jumping out on dealers while in their vehicles while in these areas. With this weather even. Gonna get someone killed. For what? Just gotta be tough guys. No holds barred. Forget the civilians this guys running. Smdh. Let the dopers die and the dealers get on thru town. Can't go but so far without getting caught. If my kid or wife was hurt or killed over a stupid police chase I'd be livid and subject to jail time. I understand dope is an issue here. But let it effect the dealers and the ones on it now. Not the people Christmas shopping and innocent. No call for this. This is disgusting to me.
    I wanna know if Babs or Mike Lewis is OK with this. I wanna hear how this was justified. And is this going to continue to happen in heavily congested areas I.e. shopping centers, center of shopping areas and neighborhoods?

    1. So if criminals attempt to flee the cops should just let them flee according to you? Once word of your new policy gets out cops won't ever be able to catch any criminals. Crime will sky rocket. Don't want a traffic ticket? No problem just keep fleeing from the cops. What's that? You just shoot your dealer in a drug deal gone bad? Not a big deal. The cops won't chase you because somebody might get hurt. Can't believe you'd actually place blame on the cops for trying to do their jobs. With all the complaints about crime in Salisbury and how dangerous the area has become and you don't want cops to chase people bc somebody might get hurt. If the cops can't chase suspects them a lot more people are going to get hurt because crime will geta whole lot worse.
      Giovanni Jones

    2. No Mr stupid. Hasn't old man told you to stay off here? It's called discretion. First two sentences answered and again you show your stupidity. When are you going to learn?

  10. Who cares if there was no manger in the stupid wendys - i dont even eat there but really is ringing up food more important than a person life? Get a grip!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Replies
    1. Enlighten me then all knowing officer!

  13. Yeah 9:43 let's blame the police and not the criminal running from them.

    1. Not saying that. But better discretion is needed. Cops can't win them all . not every time. They knew who was driving. Get her later.

    2. So what if they don't know who is driving? Can we have your permission to chase people then? What if we know who is driving but they are fleeing with unknown suspects that happen to be the main suspect involved in that particular crime? Also rarely can we actually be sure who is actually driving a vehicle when they are fleeing the police but don't let facts get in the way.
      Giovanni Jones

    3. Again ,can't win them all there super tropper. Get the tag. Come later. You cops are slick and have unmarked cars. Have one follow unknowingly. Then get em once they stop or in a safer place to engage them. 0/2.

  14. Okay - we have the real story about what happened in Wendy's but IF it did is what everyone is commenting on. The fact that it may not have happened at Wendy's doesn't mean it doesn't happen anywhere else because it does and that is motivating the responses. They are only saying what they would do IF that were the case. Congratulations on being there and having the full scoop now please let everyone to their own opinion!

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dope or no dope. Police have no business chasing people or jumping out on dealers while in their vehicles while in these areas. With this weather even. Gonna get someone killed. For what? Just gotta be tough guys. No holds barred. Forget the civilians this guys running. Smdh. Let the dopers die and the dealers get on thru town. Can't go but so far without getting caught. If my kid or wife was hurt or killed over a stupid police chase I'd be livid and subject to jail time. I understand dope is an issue here. But let it effect the dealers and the ones on it now. Not the people Christmas shopping and innocent. No call for this. This is disgusting to me.
    I wanna know if Babs or Mike Lewis is OK with this. I wanna hear how this was justified. And is this going to continue to happen in heavily congested areas I.e. shopping centers, center of shopping areas and neighborhoods?

    December 1, 2015 at 9:43 PM

    They have no business?? When did you become the law? When did you become an expert?

    So there is a child molester who rapes children and then kills them and they have your child in the car? Are you telling us that you don't want the cops to chase him!!

    So YOU wanna know if Babs or Mike Lewis is OK with this? YOU wanna hear how this was justified? I noticed you didn't sign your name you big mouth PU$$Y hiding behind a keyboard and a computer screen. How's mommy's basement working out for ya!

    1. Did a molester have a kid? No. Was there immediate life threatening situations at hand. No. Cops should've followed but not in high speed pursuit. You wouldn't be cop loving if your wife was dead and kid in a coma over some dope.

    2. So cops can't chase unless it's a life and death situation? That's gonna cause a huge increase in crime because word is gonna get out real quick that cops can't chase unless it's a life and death situation. If I lost a loved one due to a catastrophic accident which happened during a high speed chase I'd actually place blame on the turd that fled from cops. That's the person putting the public in danger, well them and liberal morons that try to blame cops for all of that goes wrong in the world.
      Giovanni Jones

    3. Read answer to first post you put up. I'm not redundant with idiocy. Smdh. Lil harder next time. You can do it.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Who cares if there was no manger in the stupid wendys - i dont even eat there but really is ringing up food more important than a person life? Get a grip!

    December 1, 2015 at 10:17 PM

    No manger? You mean they haven't decorated for Christmas yet?

  17. I swear!! Police CANNOT get an F'n break!! They are either being chastised or blamed for something that NOBODY really knows about unless you walk in their shoes, but NOW we have some idiot saying that because people are Christmas shopping and driving, that criminals get a hall pass!!? What is WRONG with you!!? So this CRIMINAL they were chasing - we don't know what kind of mental status they were in, what they ACTUALLY did, or better yet - if they killed someone!! The police are just supposed to let them go so your not inconvenienced! Okay everyone - if it's raining outside and people are out shopping (which they do EVERY day) - you are free to break the law!! You REALLY need to think before you speak again about something you are obviously CLUELESS about!! I am disgusted that you even think they should have just let him go!

  18. Funny how all these people seemed to be in Wendy's at the same time and reading this blog. Amazing.

    1. There was only 2 people that said they were in Wendy's. Reading comprehension lol.

  19. Ok so the cops are as much as fault. Why put others lives in danger chasing someone during rush hour traffic. If you have the tag number then let off the chase, If my family was on the road and you caused them to run like that and my family got hurt, You would be paying out the ass in lawsuits. Cops let the power they think they have go to their heads.

    1. Cops doing their jobs are at fault but not the suspect? How about blaming you and your family because you didn't get out of the way and let the cops do their jobs?
      Giovanni Jones

    2. Wow. That's it! Somebody fire this guy. Your one sick puke to think a cop gets a pass for doing his job. Just tell me, who says he's doing his job chasing what is a known petty doper at high speeds thru Xmas traffic that's bumper to bumper damn near. That's right. Deranged cops like yourself! Kill someone and ask their family was the cops doing his job? Your one dangerous liability pig.

    3. Joe please revisit this deputies comment. This is the automatic thought of the police here. Four lanes of traffic in the intersection maybe five with turn lanes. People moving in all directions to get out of the way from the sirens they hear but can't yet locate and this deputy thinks that at high speeds its the people hit at fault for not getting out of the way. Officer in evo your supposed to slow down for intersections and make sure they're clear before passing thru them. Not assume people are out if your way. Your one troubling cop. I'm glad your name is posted. I've saved all your comments. Not me and I have enough to prove you are a liability and god help you if you hurt someone. This is enough to go after you alone. Better take some time off and get some free pay in another vehicle class.

  20. Saw 3 sbyPD cars flying up 13. They love to do that. Used to work at one of the dealerships. I have seen pedestrians trapped in the middle turning lane with traffic moving on both sides and the cop doing 75+ right at them, no slowing down. With the shared turn lane and so many business entrance/exits, 13bus is unsafe at any speed. They repave it every 4 years, it needs to be reorganized for safety.

  21. i was at wendys at the time when s happen the manager run out side to the guy who s trapped inside his truck every one was standing watching him from inside wendys no one run to help. he s hero thank you i don't know his name but next time i see him i will let him know he s great and thankful for what he did

  22. To those of you wondering how/why there are so many people saying they saw it or were at Wendy's, perhaps you people don't understand the scale of traffic Salisbury News gets on a daily basis. It may surprise YOU but for those of us who see the daily numbers it doesn't surprise us a bit. No matter where you go, everyone is always talking about Salisbury News. Just remember, we openly state TENS OF MILLIONS of viewers and we're NOT kidding.

  23. Why is there nothing on the local news no coverage WBOC - Daily Times or WMDT?

    Joe you can be counted on to tell us what others will not!
    Could you get more details about this?

  24. The ONLY person responsible is the criminal fleeing. end of story.


  25. You think it is an illegal with no license/insurance?

  26. "..Why is there nothing on the local news no coverage WBOC - Daily Times or WMDT?.."

    Because it didn't happen in Dover. It happened here.

  27. You think it is an illegal with no license/insurance?

    No, more likely a local with drugs or a warrant.

  28. It was a girl who stole the car she was driving and she caused the accident running that red light

  29. To the person who said "get her later". What kind of shell do you live in? We are not in Kansas anymore!! What if they COULDN'T find her "later"? Remember - she STOLE the car so whether they had the license plate or not, it doesn't identify the person who STOLE the car! How about YOU get out there in the daily grind of trying to keep crime at a low and keeping everyone safe and then come back and tell us how your brilliant (NOT) idea worked for ya! Hey - let's pick and choose what criminals should be apprehended "later". Let's face it - damned if you do and damned if you don't. I love how conclusions are made based on minimal facts. There is never the "full" story. Unless WE get out there and do it ourselves, you are going to have to be AWARE that things like this are going to happen (car chases). They don't happen every day and now that it has happened, we pray for the people involved, hurt, injured - all the above - and rejoice in the capture of a CRIMINAL who by the way could be more dangerous than just stealing a car - WE don't know! Be thankful we have law enforcement! Be thankful that there is someone out there for YOU!

    1. This is Salisbury. And 2015. Can't unrun the radio and when's the last pursuit that ended with a lerp getting away in Wicomico? Exactly.

  30. Any more info who, where was stolen from, injury's?

  31. If someone stole my car, I would rather the criminal get away with the vehicle than have someone die because of a police chase. Police chases have their time and place, chasing a stolen vehicle in a heavy populated area is NOT the right time or place.

    I always thought standard operating procedure was to hang back when approaching heavy populated areas. This chase could have killed a lot of people. And for what? A car.

    Property can be replaced - lives can not.

  32. @December 1, 2015 at 11:24 PM

    No but if you cause an accident and kill my family over some petty drug crap you better believe the badge is not going to save you from my retaliation.

  33. Joe - do you know what time this happened - as I was at the Centre of Salisbury intersection yesterday morning - sitting at a stop light exiting Arby's when a car came within inches of striking my pick-up as the girl turned from heading south onto the road adjacent to Arby's. Within seconds - another car who appeared to be chasing the first car headed south - hit the brakes and did a complete 360 right in the intersection - and ended up heading north - and get this - it ended up in the north bound lane. Luckily - no one was hurt and the vehicle turned onto the bypass headed west.

    It was like seeing something out of a James Bond movie!!!

  34. And still no press release from da bury on the circumstances.

  35. If you don't carry a gun or fight for a living then don't comment about it. Stick to what you know. Banging nails, making tea, answering phones etc.

  36. 56 comments about a stupid traffic accident and hardly any comments on things that REALLY MATTER. If it's not entertaining you people don't care? Is that it?


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