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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Pelosi: ‘They Were Willing to Concede So Much’

(CNSNews) - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi explained her support for the $1.2 trillion spending bill that the Republican Congress passed yesterday and President Obama signed into law by pointing out to reporters that the Republicans “were willing to concede so much” to get the bill passed.

The bill, Pelosi noted, did not stop funding of Planned Parenthood, and the Republicans “had to take out their provisions to destroy ACA”—the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare.

Pelosi argued that the Republican leaders were so intent on getting a provision to allow exports of U.S. crude oil that they were “willing to give up so much.”

“The fact that the Republicans wanted big oil so desperately really argues for voting for the bill because they were willing to concede so much,” said Pelosi.

In the end, more House Democrats voted for the bill than House Republicans. It passed 316 to 113 with 5 members not voting.

More here


  1. Every last member who voted this through should be booted and have all of their pensions surrendered. Completely irresponsible.

  2. "..Republican leaders were so intent on getting a provision to allow exports of U.S. crude oil.."
    Yet another win for global business interests and another loss for us, the citizens of America. More 'in your face' bird flipping at you and me.

  3. oil is a limited resource. We really should milk the middle east dry and save our reserves for the future. At $34 per barrel is it really worth selling .The middle east oil is but our oil is harder to get and costs more.

  4. that is why we need non life time Republican and Democrats in office get rid of all of them and start over take our country back

  5. I'm going to support financially anyone who challenges that RINO Paul Ryan for the republican nomination in his home district.He needs to lose the speakership and his job in one fell swoop. The rinos have got to go and the rest of the republicans need to grow a set.It's time to go on the offensive,if they don't we will lose our country.

  6. I was a die hard republican, but I have to now become independent, because I cant stand the liberal homosexuals or the rinos

  7. 2:12 >>>>> Heard-tell, TREY GOWDY is going for House Speaker....

    call 202-224-3121 and encourage him...

  8. "We, the people" are getting sold out every day and the cheering is deafening.
    How stupid can we get?
    Keep cheering.


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