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Friday, December 11, 2015

Pat Buchanan to GOP: Support Trump Now or Lose to Hillary

Veteran conservative voice Patrick Buchanan issued a stern warning to the Republican Party on Thursday: Throw your weight behind GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump now — or prepare to lose next year’s election to Hillary Clinton.

Buchanan, an adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, told Newsmax TV the freak-out over Trump's proposal to temporarily bar all Muslims from entering the U.S. is misguided and will make the billionaire developer turn independent as his supporters flee the GOP.

And it will open the door to Clinton, the former secretary of state and Democratic presidential front-runner, to waltz into the Oval Office in the 2016 general election.

"Somebody's got to tell the Republican Party, look, everybody's advising you how you get rid of Trump, but if you destroy him, you destroy his issues or you deny his issues and arguments, where do you think those people are going to go? They're going to stay home," Buchanan said on "Newsmax Prime" with J.D. Hayworth.

"The establishment is unhinged. It is unhinged and the incredible overreaction – using terms like fascist and Nazi and Hitler and Mussolini to Trump's suggestion about a temporary moratorium on immigration from the Middle East until we find out how we can vet folks a lot better than we're doing right now," Buchanan said.

"Trump is a great threat to that establishment and they can sense it and you see it in the hysterical reaction-- hysterical-- to what Trump said."

"He said, look, if we can't vet these folks coming in from the Islamic world, where all these wars are going on, Sunni versus Shia, al-Qaida, and ISIS, maybe we ought to have a moratorium, a temporary time out on mass immigration into the U.S. until we correct our system, or reduce the numbers coming in."

Buchanan said that without solidarity the GOP is doomed to lose.

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  1. FINALLY! !! These Rinos have ruined the Republican party. Anyone who has been in office for a decade or more I VOTE AGAINST! !! If the rinos play their game with Trump hillary will win. Because myself and I'm sure plenty of others won't vote. We don't need two more establishment candidates who don't know how to win. Obama is not a citizen. Yet the Republican party along with the two loser's McCain and Romney didn't attack him. Playing into the PC crown and lost. Hell the Democrats even questioned McCain citizenship. Wake up GOP because if Trump isn't the nomination Clinton wins. Then she will go to jail then who will be her VP??

  2. He's probably right.
    Like it or not, if THE PEOPLE decide they want The Donald, the GOP better get with the program.

  3. Trump signed on to the GOP demands on the premise that he be treated fairly. If the GOP turns on him after his agreement - that's not fair treatment!

    He'll do the exact same thing that Ross Perot did to President Bush (41) - split the party and allow a Clinton to be elected to the white house.

    No, he's not perfect - but he's a great deal better than the Bern or the HildaBeast!

  4. Buchanan's support is like the kiss of death.

  5. im so tired of this. Not Trunp, nor Cruz, nor any other candidate from either party can "save" this country. For starters, look around you- this country is not worth saving. Fat, stupid, uneducated, uncultured trash everywhere of all classes and races. I hope Trump wins just for the amusement factor but i certainly dont have any hope that this country, or this planet for that matter is going to get any better. The sooner we can plunge back into a dark age like we haven't seen since 500 AD, the better.

  6. I've been a Republican for over 40 years.

    If they keep coming after Trump and derail his nomination, I will NEVER, EVER, vote for another Republican for as long as I have left.

  7. MD GOP votes don't even count......

  8. WE THE PEOPLE need a true leader to turn this country 180 degrees in the opposite direction, not a RNC appointed Obama-lite like Romney or Bush. If the GOP doesn't get it they are doomed to the ash heaps of history like the Whig party of old.

  9. 10:29 I didn't even know he was still alive. I'm disappointed.


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