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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Our Next President Won't Even Need A Secret Service


  1. If he's elected, Hillary is sure to win.

  2. Great picture of a wealthy idiot.

    1. He is my next president.

    2. Awwww liberal dirtbag.
      Obamas time is almost up.

  3. 7:13

    Hillary should be in jail by election day

  4. Trump will never be elected. The old line GOP won't allow it to happen.

  5. Vote Trump. Save America.

  6. "Anonymous said...

    Great picture of a wealthy idiot.

    December 6, 2015 at 7:16 PM"

    You can not be serious. One thing is certain, an "idiot" does not take a million dollars left to him via inheritance and turn it into billions. No an "idiot" does not do this. The list is endless of once wealthy heirs, who have squandered their fortunes, but few who have turned it into such great wealth.

  7. Trump isn't controlled by the federal reserve. Lobbyist can't buy his votes! Lets go!!

  8. Trump-Cruz 2016. Fix immigration, save Christmas, kill isis, create jobs, take care of our vets, change tax code, God bless America.

  9. 1:10AM-I totally agree,but they're going to have to be really obvious with it if he remains the frontrunner.If what you say will happen happens we will absolutely know that the will of the people no longer matters whatsoever.I suspect it hasn't mattered for a long time but Trump not getting elected will verify it.

    1. Exactly! Just like Albero not getting elected

  10. 7:57 He did it by lying, cheating and strategic bankruptcies that ruined many small businesses by not paying them the money that was owed. Sounds presidential to me.....

  11. 9:43. Exactly. Both are pompous blowhards.

  12. LOL 10:34 what some call "pompous blowhards" others call secure, strong and confident men. Donald Trump is a REAL man, a REAL leader and he is secure and confident unlike that little nothing liar in the white house now who as good as murdered those people in CA himself. He and every single other democrat.

  13. Obama was photographed with his pink water pistol.

    Makes you so proud to be an American during these times.

  14. Trump isn't controlled by anyone. He has learned to use the "system" to work for HIM. People who come from wealth are taught from a young age that the 1% have it made and all they have to do is to work the legal system and things will come their way. He is no dummy.

  15. Trump makes the republicans look like fools that they are... Thanks Donald

  16. Let's see him try that move in MD.....


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