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Sunday, December 06, 2015

NRA blamed, God mocked, calls for gun control in wake of San Bernardino shooting

Politicians who offered thoughts and prayers with the victims and their loved ones in the wake of a brutal terror attack in San Bernardino California Wednesday were strongly rebuked, and indeed mocked, for not doing more about "gun" violence.

The New York Daily News, for example, complained that "the Republicans were preaching about prayer" instead of fighting the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department confirmed that deceased suspects Syed Rizwan Farook, 28 and Tashfeen Malik, 27 took the lives of 14 innocents, further injuring 17 at the Inland Regional Center, a non-profit social services center serving the developmentally disabled.

The media coverage quickly turned to "gun" violence, as President Obama set the tone by strongly implying that America is the problem, saying in part,

"The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world..." 


  1. Yet no mention of "Terrorist attack, or Muslims".

  2. The democrats are demonstrating their hatrd for the American way of life. They are despicable just like their lying, cowardly, treasonous, racist wannabee kenyan king president. This country has fallen to a point that wanting to defend our very values is looked upon with disdain from this administration and this socialist party. At last, a lot of us are finally realizing why our founding fathers included the Second Amendment. Have we finally had enough yet???

  3. The NSA should shoulder some of the blame.

    1. You have got to be kidding. If you're not, you are even more of an idiot than what I was going to give you credit for. Do you honestly believe these Islamist Extremeist actually conspired with the NRS before they decided that they were so offended by a Christmas Party that that werevgoing to take Christians out? You are what's wrong with out country. And it's those that you coddle that have created this mess. As a veteran and the son and father of veterans, I'm offended every time I hear your ilk.

  4. It's "HUMAN violence" not "gun violence." But that would lead to way too many uncomfortable questions.

  5. This guy is a complete traitor and the media is in his pocket. Shame, shame ,shame on these fools. The enemy is here and laughing at the ineptitude.

  6. Sorry, by the "American way of life" was never to have easy access to guns so that we could shoot and kill our neighbors. It's a shame that you're more concerned about being able to hold on to your firearms than you are about the sanctity of life.

  7. Well now I'm all confused. Are we talking about the NRA, NSA or the NRS. Not knowing which which you two are talking about is confusing and could change the meaning of the conversation.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sorry, by the "American way of life" was never to have easy access to guns so that we could shoot and kill our neighbors. It's a shame that you're more concerned about being able to hold on to your firearms than you are about the sanctity of life.

    December 3, 2015 at 11:43 PM

    the right to keep and bears arms SHALL NOT be infringed. the 2nd amendment was indeed meant to have easy and unprohibited access and ownership of guns. there are already laws against shooting and killing your neighbors. if people are willing to break those laws, you really think ANY OTHER law or gun control will make them change their mind? people hold on to their firearms because they DO CARE about the sanctity of life, they want to preserve theirs and others around them.

    you can scream at someone until you are blue in the face about laws, gun control, morals, whatever else, but unless you have a firearm or other weapon to kill them before they kill you, you will be dead.

    and taking away other people's right to defend themselves and others tells us that YOU don't really care about the sanctity of life if you are so willing to let others die when it can be, and regularly is, prevented with the use of a firearm.

    they have tried alcohol prohibition, drug prohibition and have been attempting firearm prohibition for decades. Neither worked and neither will.

    there are more firearms in this country than people. (also more laws than people) that is one reason Japan did not invade us, for there would be a gun behind ever blade of grass. (you can google that)

    if a person commits a crime with (or without) a firearm, punish THAT person. don't punish everyone else by trying to take away their God-given right to self-defense or labeling people as 'prohibited' from owning firearms in an attempt to predict what someone will or will not do with a firearm.

    if you think a lot of people are killed with firearms now, just wait and see how many millions will be killed ( by your gov't) if it were possible to eliminate them. history has proven that time and time again. you think our gov't would be so different?

    how many felons or mentally ill people go on these mass shooting killing sprees? hardly any that I am aware of. now ask how many mass shooting sprees were committed by legally purchased firearms. doesn't make sense does it? point being no one can predict what anyone will do.

    I would rather take my chances on someone with a gun, legal or not, to protect me than hope someone would obey a law or gun control measure and not kill me or anyone else.

  9. If this is referred to as a terrorist attack the Planned Parenthood shooting a few days earlier should also be referred to as such. Both instilled terror, the political or ethnic groups to which the shooter belongs has nothing to do with whether or not it is a terrorist attack but rather the feeling of terror resulting

  10. How about printing a picture of The Prophet for their next front page? Let's see where that gets them!

  11. Ban all Christmas Parties. it creates work place violence in those that are not Christians.

  12. If someone broke into these idiots homes the first thing they would say was Oh My God....then try to call someone with a gun to protect them.

  13. Going to Salisbury especially at night can instill terror in people. It gets worse every day.

  14. The NRA was formed to protect blacks from Democrats.

  15. 11:43.... crawl back under the warm and fuzzy pillow covering your head.
    The "American way of life" had NOTHING to do with "easy access to guns". I can see your education and historical knowledge is, uh, um, lacking. When I was a kid, ANYONE could get a gun, and most of the people we knew had several. The "American way of life" had more to do with respect, integrity, hard work, and family values.
    You can't start a debate with a false premise, then work your liberal, convoluted, pansy logic into an anti-Constitutional and uniformed (how is Chicago doing with the "sanctity of life"") accusation of indifference.
    Liberals LOVE abortions but talk about the "sanctity of life"? REALLY???
    Pull a living baby's arms off while it desperately tries to squirm away and it's all good. Selling eyes and hearts just stripped from a living baby is just fine??? And you think you have the standing to lecture on the "sanctity of life"?
    Have a handgun in your nightstand to stop someone from killing your family and all of a sudden, you aren't concerned about the "sanctity of life"????
    Add "liberal logic" to the list of oxymoron's.
    Keep cheering.


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