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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

New York City unveils new rules on gender discrimination

NEW YORK (AP) — Restaurant owners can't require ties for male diners only. Gyms can't tell clients which locker room to use. And in most cases, an employer can't put "John" on a worker's ID if she prefers "Jane."

New York City's Human Rights Commission is establishing what advocates called some of the most powerful guidelines nationwide on gender-identity discrimination, releasing specifics Monday to flesh out broad protections in a 2002 law.

"Today's guidance makes it abundantly clear what the city considers to be discrimination," which can lead to fines of up to $250,000, Commissioner Carmelyn P. Malalis said in a statement. Officials said complaints about gender-identity discrimination have risen in recent years but couldn't immediately provide statistics.

Some cities around the country have added transgender people to anti-discrimination protections, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo did likewise for his state this fall. Other communities have rebuffed them: Houston voters this fall defeated an ordinance that would have established nondiscrimination protections for gay and transgender people.



  1. Transgender and Homosexuality is a mental disorder. What is the difference between a person saying they think they are male and a person saying they think they are Abraham Lincoln?

  2. The freaks seem to be making the rules.

  3. It getting very confusing out there, (so I don't get fined) what do you call a homosexual man that is a tranny but will have sex with women also? (Besides a POS?)

  4. We have FREAK and Pervert Obama running this Country...the Demons are out...


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